Sage the Fast Slow GO™ SPR680BSS monitoimikeitin - hopea
182.99 EUR
Pääse käsiksi täydellisiin tietoihin sisältävään korttiin, vertaa hintoja ja selvitä Sage the Fast Slow GO™ SPR680BSS monitoimikeitin - hopea:n ominaisuudet, saatavilla hinnalla 182.99 EUR; se sopii kategoriaan Höyry & riisi keittimet; myyntiä hoitaa, ja sen tuotanto on Sage:n vastuulla.
Valitse helppous - Sagen "the Fast Slow GO™" -monitoimikeittimellä! Tässä monitoimikeittimessä on 14 pikavalintaa, joten herkulliset ruoat ovat vain parin painalluksen päässä. Voit käyttää keitintä painekeittimenä tai ruskistaa, höyryttää ja hauduttaa ruokia, tai valmistaa risottoja ja muita ruokia. Keittimessä on myös kaksi uutta pikavalintaa, joiden avulla voit kokeilla jopa jogurtin valmistusta ja sous vide -kypsennystä.TURVALLINENTässä ruostumattomasta teräksestä valmistetussa keittimessä on kolmihaarainen turvajärjestelmä, jossa on paineenpoistoventtiili, painesuojaventtiili ja turvasokka.RUOSTUMATONRuostumattomasta teräksestä valmistettu 6 litran kulho ja pannunalunen. Kun ruoka on valmista, laita kulho pesukoneeseen - puhdistus on helppoa!HANDS FREE -TOIMINNOTValitse mieleisesi höyrynpoistomenetelmä kolmesta hands free-toiminnosta: natural-asetus, jolloin paine vapautuu hitaasti keittimen sisällä päästämättä höyryä, pulse-asetus, jolloin paine vapautuu vaiheittain, sekä Auto Quick -asetus, jolloin paine vapautuu nopeasti ylikypsentymisen ehkäisemiseksi.HELPPOKÄYTTÖINEN14 pikavalintaa ja asetusta käden ulottuvilla: soup (keitot), stock (liemet), meat (liha), stew (muhennokset), steam (höyry), sauté (ruskistus), legumes (palkokasvit), rice/grains (riisi/viljat), risotto, yoghurt (jogurtti), reduce (kokoon keittäminen), sous vide (tyhjiökypsennys).YOGHURT-TOIMINTOVoit valmistaa jopa 2 litraa herkullista ja terveellistä jogurttia kotona.SOUS VIDE -TOIMINTOKypsennä lihaa ja vihanneksia tasaisesti tarkkaan säädellyssä lämpötilassa.PAKKAUS SISÄLTÄÄ SEURAAVAT TARVIKKEET- Kypsennyskulho ruostumatonta terästä- Pannunalunen ruostumatonta terästä- Kondensaatioveden kerääjä
EAN: 9355973007732
Toimituskulut: 3.99 EUR
Saatavuus: in stock
Toimitusaika: 2–4 lisäarkipäivää
Kunto: new
Valitse helppous - Sagen "the Fast Slow GO™" -monitoimikeittimellä! Tässä monitoimikeittimessä on 14 pikavalintaa, joten herkulliset ruoat ovat vain parin painalluksen päässä. Voit käyttää keitintä painekeittimenä tai ruskistaa, höyryttää ja hauduttaa ruokia, tai valmistaa risottoja ja muita ruokia. Keittimessä on myös kaksi uutta pikavalintaa, joiden avulla voit kokeilla jopa jogurtin valmistusta ja sous vide -kypsennystä.TURVALLINENTässä ruostumattomasta teräksestä valmistetussa keittimessä on kolmihaarainen turvajärjestelmä, jossa on paineenpoistoventtiili, painesuojaventtiili ja turvasokka.RUOSTUMATONRuostumattomasta teräksestä valmistettu 6 litran kulho ja pannunalunen. Kun ruoka on valmista, laita kulho pesukoneeseen - puhdistus on helppoa!HANDS FREE -TOIMINNOTValitse mieleisesi höyrynpoistomenetelmä kolmesta hands free-toiminnosta: natural-asetus, jolloin paine vapautuu hitaasti keittimen sisällä päästämättä höyryä, pulse-asetus, jolloin paine vapautuu vaiheittain, sekä Auto Quick -asetus, jolloin paine vapautuu nopeasti ylikypsentymisen ehkäisemiseksi.HELPPOKÄYTTÖINEN14 pikavalintaa ja asetusta käden ulottuvilla: soup (keitot), stock (liemet), meat (liha), stew (muhennokset), steam (höyry), sauté (ruskistus), legumes (palkokasvit), rice/grains (riisi/viljat), risotto, yoghurt (jogurtti), reduce (kokoon keittäminen), sous vide (tyhjiökypsennys).YOGHURT-TOIMINTOVoit valmistaa jopa 2 litraa herkullista ja terveellistä jogurttia kotona.SOUS VIDE -TOIMINTOKypsennä lihaa ja vihanneksia tasaisesti tarkkaan säädellyssä lämpötilassa.PAKKAUS SISÄLTÄÄ SEURAAVAT TARVIKKEET- Kypsennyskulho ruostumatonta terästä- Pannunalunen ruostumatonta terästä- Kondensaatioveden kerääjä
EAN: 9355973007732
Toimituskulut: 3.99 EUR
Saatavuus: in stock
Toimitusaika: 2–4 lisäarkipäivää
Kunto: new
Vastaavien tuotteiden vertailu
Sage by Heston Blumenthal Sage the Smart Toast, 2 viipale(i)ta, Hopea, Ruostumaton teräs, Kosketus, 180 mm, 280 mm
198 EUR
Sage the Smart Toast, 2 viipale(i)ta, Hopea, Ruostumaton teräs, Kosketus, 180 mm, 280 mmsku: 41008738, brand: Sage by Heston Blumenthal, ean: 9312432030274
Sage by Heston Blumenthal Sage the Bambino, Espressokone, 1,4 L, Jauhettu kahvi, 1600 W, Hopea
341 EUR
Sage the Bambino, Espressokone, 1,4 L, Jauhettu kahvi, 1600 W, Hopeasku: SES450SST4EEU1, brand: Sage by Heston Blumenthal, ean: 9355973001662
Sage the Super Q™ SBL920BSS tehosekoitin - hopea
502.99 EUR
Supernopea ja superhiljainen - Sagen uusi "the Super" -tehosekoitin!Tämä kotikeittiöön suunniteltu ammattilaistason tehosekoitin sisältää Sagen tehokkaimman moottorin ja melua vaimentavaa teknologiaa. "the Super Q" on valmis tarjoamaan silkkisen sileitä lopputuloksia!SUPERNOPEA JA TEHOKAS"the Super Q" -tehosekoittimen moottori on teholtaan 2400 wattia ja takaa tehokkaan toiminnan ja laadukkaat lopputulokset.VALMISTA SMOOTHIE SUORAAN OMAAN ASTIAAN"the Super Q" -tehosekoitin mahdollistaa smoothieiden valmistuksen suoraan omaan sekoitusastiaan, jonka voi ottaa helposti mukaan. Tämä ominaisuus on kätevä myös silloin, kun haluat blendata pienemmän määrän raaka-aineita kompaktimmassa astiassa. Tehosekoittimen jalusta on erityisen älykäs: se tunnistaa automaattisesti käytössä olevan astian ja optimoi suorituskykyä sen mukaan, käytitpä sitten 2-litraista kannua tai mukaan otettavaa astiaa.YHTEENSOPIVA "the VAC Q™" -TYHJIÖPUMPUN KANSSATämä tehosekoitin on yhteensopiva "the Vac Q" -tyhjiöpumpun kanssa, joka on suunniteltu parantamaan koostumusta, värejä ja makuja. Nauti silkkisemmistä smoothieista, kermaisemmista levitteistä, herkullisista dipeistä ja täyteläisistä pirtelöistä! "the Vac Q" myydään erikseen.5 ERILAISTA TOIMINTOA YHDELLÄ PAINALLUKSELLATässä tehosekoittimessa on viisi toimintoa, joita on helppo käyttää yhdellä painalluksella. Jokaisessa toiminnossa aika ja nopeus on optimoitu parhaiden lopputulosten saavuttamiseksi. Valitse kahden eri smoothie-toiminnon välillä, murskaa jäätä, heittäydy luovaksi ja kokeile jäädytettyjen jälkiruokien toimintoa, tai valmista helposti suosikkikeittoasi.12 NOPEUSASETUSTANauti helppokäyttöisyydestä ja tekstuuriltaan optimaalisen sileistä ja pehmeistä lopputuloksista! Valmista pähkinätahnoja, pähkinä- ja papumaitoja, virkistäviä cocktaileja, kermaisia dippejä, täyteläisiä kastikkeita ja mausteisia kastikkeita, ja nauti vastajauhetuista mausteista.MELUA VAIMENTAVAA TEKNOLOGIAAKuvittele parempi suorituskyky, joka rasittaa korviasi vähemmän: Sagen ainutlaatuinen jäähdytysjärjestelmä vähentää melua, jonka vuoksi tämä tehosekoitin sopii erinomaisesti kotikäyttöön.PAKKAUS SISÄLTÄÄ SEURAAVAT TARVIKKEET- Survin- Lasta
Sage the Dose Control Pro SCG600SIL espresso-kahvimylly - hopea
222.99 EUR
Kahvimylly Sage "the Dose Control Pro SCG600" sisältää, jopa 60 jauhatusasetusta, joiden avulla jauhatus voidaan säätää sopivaksi jokaisen kahvikaverin mieltymyksille. Ruostumattomasta teräksestä valmistettu mylly vähentää jauhamisen aikana vapautuvaa lämpöä, jotta kahvi säilyttäisi enemmän öljyään ja makua.60 JAUHATUSASETUSTAValittavanasi on 60 eri jauhatusvaihtoehtoa, joiden avulla jauhat kahvipavut tarpeeksi hienoksi espressolle tai karkeaksi French Press-keittimelle.SÄHKÖINEN AJASTINTarkka elektroninen ajastin mahdollistaa jauhatusajan hallinnan 1 sekunnin tarkkuudella.
FALKE ESS Golf GO2 Short socks, 1 pair, UK size 8-9 (EU 42-43), Black, polypropylene mix Sweat wicking, fast drying, extra cushioning at key pressure points for maximum impact absorption
23.72 EUR
Specially developed for golf: golf socks medium padded, even against blisters, made of pleasantly soft material without pattern; socks moisture-regulating, with fastest drying and suitable for golfers; the golf socks are short and the waistband is made of rubber Stable in golf shoes and for dry feet: the anatomical sole of the foot ensures maximum stability and foot safety; vegan men's socks with elastic waistband, cushioning effect, three-layer, short ensure dry feet even when sweating; sports socks for high protection when golfing with three-layer construction for men, boys and teenagers In order to maintain the fit and colour after repeated washing, we recommend washing the item at 40°C on a gentle cycle; to guarantee a wrinkle-free fit of the stockings, we recommend choosing the smaller size for an intermediate size Special gender-specific knitting processes tailored to the anatomical differences of your right and left foot ensure high wearing comfort and a wrinkle-free fit Model number FALKE men's GO2 short: 16779; sizes: 39 41, 42 43, 44 45, 46 48; this is a resource-saving produced FALKE WE CARE item with a focus on environment, animal welfare and social responsibility; this product has been tested for harmful substances and certified according to Standard 100 by Oeko-Tex The family business Falke, founded in 1895, is based on firm values: unconditional quality, highest craftsmanship, innovative items and environmentally friendly packaging without plastic hooks
Microsoft Surface Go 10" 4 GB 64 GB eMMC hopea Win 10 S
221.99 EUR
The refurbed Microsoft Surface Go is the smallest and lightest Surface device that Microsoft has ever offered. With a weight of only 522 grams and a 10" screen, it fits like a normal tablet in most pockets and can be held in the hand for a long time without any problems. At the same time, the completely renewed Surface Go offers the usual advantages of the Surface series: x86 processor with Windows operating system, meaning easy access to office programmes such as Outlook, Word and Excel. To top it off, you can turn it into a notebook with the optional Type Cover.
FALKE ESS Golf GO2 Short socks, 1 pair, UK size 5.5-7.5 (EU 39-41), White, polypropylene mix Sweat wicking, fast drying, extra cushioning at key pressure points for maximum impact absorption
23.73 EUR
Specially developed for golf: golf socks medium padded, even against blisters, made of pleasantly soft material without pattern; socks moisture-regulating, with fastest drying and suitable for golfers; the golf socks are short and the waistband is made of rubber Stable in golf shoes and for dry feet: the anatomical sole of the foot ensures maximum stability and foot safety; vegan men's socks with elastic waistband, cushioning effect, three-layer, short ensure dry feet even when sweating; sports socks for high protection when golfing with three-layer construction for men, boys and teenagers In order to maintain the fit and colour after repeated washing, we recommend washing the item at 40°C on a gentle cycle; to guarantee a wrinkle-free fit of the stockings, we recommend choosing the smaller size for an intermediate size Special gender-specific knitting processes tailored to the anatomical differences of your right and left foot ensure high wearing comfort and a wrinkle-free fit Model number FALKE men's GO2 short: 16779; sizes: 39 41, 42 43, 44 45, 46 48; this is a resource-saving produced FALKE WE CARE item with a focus on environment, animal welfare and social responsibility; this product has been tested for harmful substances and certified according to Standard 100 by Oeko-Tex The family business Falke, founded in 1895, is based on firm values: unconditional quality, highest craftsmanship, innovative items and environmentally friendly packaging without plastic hooks
Sage the Smart Waffle™ SWM620 vohvelirauta - hopea
199.99 EUR
Valmista kotona herkullisia belgialaisia vohveleita! - Vohvelirautaa reunustava leveä reunus kerää ja paistaa vohveliraudasta pursuavan ylimääräisen taikinan- Waffle IQ™ laskee taikinaa lisätessä automaattisesti oikean kypsennysajan- Valmistaa kerralla 2 suurta belgialaista vohvelia- Paisto-asetukset: belgialainen vohveli, klassinen vohveli, suklaavohveli, piimävohveli ja mukautetut asetukset- Paahtoasteen säätö 12 asetuksella- OptimoituThermal Pro™ -lämmönjako- Automaattinen ajastimen käynnistys, kun kansi suljetaan- A Bit More™-painike- PFOA-vapaat, tarttumattomat, painevaletut alumiiniset paistolevyt, jotka pitävät lämpöä erinomaisesti yllä- Sisältää BPA-vapaan annosteluastian- 2 vuoden tuotetakuu
Microsoft Surface Go 10" 8 GB 128 GB SSD 4G hopea Win 10 S UK
425.99 EUR
The refurbed Microsoft Surface Go is the smallest and lightest Surface device that Microsoft has ever offered. With a weight of only 522 grams and a 10" screen, it fits like a normal tablet in most pockets and can be held in the hand for a long time without any problems. At the same time, the completely renewed Surface Go offers the usual advantages of the Surface series: x86 processor with Windows operating system, meaning easy access to office programmes such as Outlook, Word and Excel. To top it off, you can turn it into a notebook with the optional Type Cover.
Microsoft Surface Go 10" 8 GB 128 GB SSD 4G hopea Win 10 S UK
444.99 EUR
The refurbed Microsoft Surface Go is the smallest and lightest Surface device that Microsoft has ever offered. With a weight of only 522 grams and a 10" screen, it fits like a normal tablet in most pockets and can be held in the hand for a long time without any problems. At the same time, the completely renewed Surface Go offers the usual advantages of the Surface series: x86 processor with Windows operating system, meaning easy access to office programmes such as Outlook, Word and Excel. To top it off, you can turn it into a notebook with the optional Type Cover.
Microsoft Surface Go 10" 8 GB 128 GB SSD 4G hopea Win 10 S
375.99 EUR
The refurbed Microsoft Surface Go is the smallest and lightest Surface device that Microsoft has ever offered. With a weight of only 522 grams and a 10" screen, it fits like a normal tablet in most pockets and can be held in the hand for a long time without any problems. At the same time, the completely renewed Surface Go offers the usual advantages of the Surface series: x86 processor with Windows operating system, meaning easy access to office programmes such as Outlook, Word and Excel. To top it off, you can turn it into a notebook with the optional Type Cover.
Microsoft Surface Go 10" 8 GB 128 GB SSD 4G hopea Win 10 S
394.99 EUR
The refurbed Microsoft Surface Go is the smallest and lightest Surface device that Microsoft has ever offered. With a weight of only 522 grams and a 10" screen, it fits like a normal tablet in most pockets and can be held in the hand for a long time without any problems. At the same time, the completely renewed Surface Go offers the usual advantages of the Surface series: x86 processor with Windows operating system, meaning easy access to office programmes such as Outlook, Word and Excel. To top it off, you can turn it into a notebook with the optional Type Cover.
Microsoft Surface Go 10" 8 GB 128 GB SSD 4G hopea Win 10 S FR
435.99 EUR
The refurbed Microsoft Surface Go is the smallest and lightest Surface device that Microsoft has ever offered. With a weight of only 522 grams and a 10" screen, it fits like a normal tablet in most pockets and can be held in the hand for a long time without any problems. At the same time, the completely renewed Surface Go offers the usual advantages of the Surface series: x86 processor with Windows operating system, meaning easy access to office programmes such as Outlook, Word and Excel. To top it off, you can turn it into a notebook with the optional Type Cover.
Microsoft Surface Go 10" 8 GB 128 GB SSD 4G hopea Win 10 S FR
454.99 EUR
The refurbed Microsoft Surface Go is the smallest and lightest Surface device that Microsoft has ever offered. With a weight of only 522 grams and a 10" screen, it fits like a normal tablet in most pockets and can be held in the hand for a long time without any problems. At the same time, the completely renewed Surface Go offers the usual advantages of the Surface series: x86 processor with Windows operating system, meaning easy access to office programmes such as Outlook, Word and Excel. To top it off, you can turn it into a notebook with the optional Type Cover.
Microsoft Surface Go 10" 8 GB 128 GB SSD 4G hopea Win 10 Home
375.99 EUR
The refurbed Microsoft Surface Go is the smallest and lightest Surface device that Microsoft has ever offered. With a weight of only 522 grams and a 10" screen, it fits like a normal tablet in most pockets and can be held in the hand for a long time without any problems. At the same time, the completely renewed Surface Go offers the usual advantages of the Surface series: x86 processor with Windows operating system, meaning easy access to office programmes such as Outlook, Word and Excel. To top it off, you can turn it into a notebook with the optional Type Cover.
Microsoft Surface Go 10" 8 GB 128 GB SSD 4G hopea Win 10 Home
394.99 EUR
The refurbed Microsoft Surface Go is the smallest and lightest Surface device that Microsoft has ever offered. With a weight of only 522 grams and a 10" screen, it fits like a normal tablet in most pockets and can be held in the hand for a long time without any problems. At the same time, the completely renewed Surface Go offers the usual advantages of the Surface series: x86 processor with Windows operating system, meaning easy access to office programmes such as Outlook, Word and Excel. To top it off, you can turn it into a notebook with the optional Type Cover.
Microsoft Surface Go 10" 8 GB 128 GB SSD yhteensopiva Stylus 4G hopea Win 10 S UK
480.99 EUR
The refurbed Microsoft Surface Go is the smallest and lightest Surface device that Microsoft has ever offered. With a weight of only 522 grams and a 10" screen, it fits like a normal tablet in most pockets and can be held in the hand for a long time without any problems. At the same time, the completely renewed Surface Go offers the usual advantages of the Surface series: x86 processor with Windows operating system, meaning easy access to office programmes such as Outlook, Word and Excel. To top it off, you can turn it into a notebook with the optional Type Cover.
Microsoft Surface Go 10" 8 GB 128 GB SSD yhteensopiva Stylus 4G hopea Win 10 S UK
499.99 EUR
The refurbed Microsoft Surface Go is the smallest and lightest Surface device that Microsoft has ever offered. With a weight of only 522 grams and a 10" screen, it fits like a normal tablet in most pockets and can be held in the hand for a long time without any problems. At the same time, the completely renewed Surface Go offers the usual advantages of the Surface series: x86 processor with Windows operating system, meaning easy access to office programmes such as Outlook, Word and Excel. To top it off, you can turn it into a notebook with the optional Type Cover.
Microsoft Surface Go 10" 8 GB 128 GB SSD 4G hopea Win 10 S ND
435.99 EUR
The refurbed Microsoft Surface Go is the smallest and lightest Surface device that Microsoft has ever offered. With a weight of only 522 grams and a 10" screen, it fits like a normal tablet in most pockets and can be held in the hand for a long time without any problems. At the same time, the completely renewed Surface Go offers the usual advantages of the Surface series: x86 processor with Windows operating system, meaning easy access to office programmes such as Outlook, Word and Excel. To top it off, you can turn it into a notebook with the optional Type Cover.
Microsoft Surface Go 10" 8 GB 128 GB SSD 4G hopea Win 10 S ND
454.99 EUR
The refurbed Microsoft Surface Go is the smallest and lightest Surface device that Microsoft has ever offered. With a weight of only 522 grams and a 10" screen, it fits like a normal tablet in most pockets and can be held in the hand for a long time without any problems. At the same time, the completely renewed Surface Go offers the usual advantages of the Surface series: x86 processor with Windows operating system, meaning easy access to office programmes such as Outlook, Word and Excel. To top it off, you can turn it into a notebook with the optional Type Cover.
Microsoft Surface Go 10" 8 GB 128 GB SSD 4G hopea Win 10 S DE
483.99 EUR
The refurbed Microsoft Surface Go is the smallest and lightest Surface device that Microsoft has ever offered. With a weight of only 522 grams and a 10" screen, it fits like a normal tablet in most pockets and can be held in the hand for a long time without any problems. At the same time, the completely renewed Surface Go offers the usual advantages of the Surface series: x86 processor with Windows operating system, meaning easy access to office programmes such as Outlook, Word and Excel. To top it off, you can turn it into a notebook with the optional Type Cover.
Microsoft Surface Go 10" 8 GB 128 GB SSD 4G hopea Win 10 S DE
502.99 EUR
The refurbed Microsoft Surface Go is the smallest and lightest Surface device that Microsoft has ever offered. With a weight of only 522 grams and a 10" screen, it fits like a normal tablet in most pockets and can be held in the hand for a long time without any problems. At the same time, the completely renewed Surface Go offers the usual advantages of the Surface series: x86 processor with Windows operating system, meaning easy access to office programmes such as Outlook, Word and Excel. To top it off, you can turn it into a notebook with the optional Type Cover.
Microsoft Surface Go 10" 8 GB 128 GB SSD 4G hopea Win 10 S US
454.99 EUR
The refurbed Microsoft Surface Go is the smallest and lightest Surface device that Microsoft has ever offered. With a weight of only 522 grams and a 10" screen, it fits like a normal tablet in most pockets and can be held in the hand for a long time without any problems. At the same time, the completely renewed Surface Go offers the usual advantages of the Surface series: x86 processor with Windows operating system, meaning easy access to office programmes such as Outlook, Word and Excel. To top it off, you can turn it into a notebook with the optional Type Cover.
Microsoft Surface Go 10" 8 GB 128 GB SSD 4G hopea Win 10 S US
435.99 EUR
The refurbed Microsoft Surface Go is the smallest and lightest Surface device that Microsoft has ever offered. With a weight of only 522 grams and a 10" screen, it fits like a normal tablet in most pockets and can be held in the hand for a long time without any problems. At the same time, the completely renewed Surface Go offers the usual advantages of the Surface series: x86 processor with Windows operating system, meaning easy access to office programmes such as Outlook, Word and Excel. To top it off, you can turn it into a notebook with the optional Type Cover.
THE NORTH FACE Skeena Sandaalit vihreä misty sage/gravel 10.0 Naiset
35.9 EUR
Women’s Skeena Sandals. We all need a go-to pair of sandals to see us through adventures in hot weather, and our versatile Skeena sandals are set to be yours. They're comfortable enough to wear all day, and even better, they're made with eco-friendly recycled materials. Easily packed into your suitcase for a weekend away, they're fully adjustable thanks to VELCRO® straps. They're available in a choice of eye-catching colours to match your summer style.
Microsoft Surface Go 10" 8 GB 128 GB SSD hopea Win 10 S UK
272 EUR
The refurbed Microsoft Surface Go is the smallest and lightest Surface device that Microsoft has ever offered. With a weight of only 522 grams and a 10" screen, it fits like a normal tablet in most pockets and can be held in the hand for a long time without any problems. At the same time, the completely renewed Surface Go offers the usual advantages of the Surface series: x86 processor with Windows operating system, meaning easy access to office programmes such as Outlook, Word and Excel. To top it off, you can turn it into a notebook with the optional Type Cover.
Microsoft Surface Go 10" 8 GB 128 GB SSD hopea Win 10 S UK
406.99 EUR
The refurbed Microsoft Surface Go is the smallest and lightest Surface device that Microsoft has ever offered. With a weight of only 522 grams and a 10" screen, it fits like a normal tablet in most pockets and can be held in the hand for a long time without any problems. At the same time, the completely renewed Surface Go offers the usual advantages of the Surface series: x86 processor with Windows operating system, meaning easy access to office programmes such as Outlook, Word and Excel. To top it off, you can turn it into a notebook with the optional Type Cover.
Microsoft Surface Go 10" 8 GB 128 GB SSD hopea Win 10 S UK
354.99 EUR
The refurbed Microsoft Surface Go is the smallest and lightest Surface device that Microsoft has ever offered. With a weight of only 522 grams and a 10" screen, it fits like a normal tablet in most pockets and can be held in the hand for a long time without any problems. At the same time, the completely renewed Surface Go offers the usual advantages of the Surface series: x86 processor with Windows operating system, meaning easy access to office programmes such as Outlook, Word and Excel. To top it off, you can turn it into a notebook with the optional Type Cover.
Microsoft Surface Go 10" 8 GB 128 GB SSD yhteensopiva Stylus 4G hopea Win 10 S
430.99 EUR
The refurbed Microsoft Surface Go is the smallest and lightest Surface device that Microsoft has ever offered. With a weight of only 522 grams and a 10" screen, it fits like a normal tablet in most pockets and can be held in the hand for a long time without any problems. At the same time, the completely renewed Surface Go offers the usual advantages of the Surface series: x86 processor with Windows operating system, meaning easy access to office programmes such as Outlook, Word and Excel. To top it off, you can turn it into a notebook with the optional Type Cover.
Microsoft Surface Go 10" 8 GB 128 GB SSD yhteensopiva Stylus 4G hopea Win 10 S
449.99 EUR
The refurbed Microsoft Surface Go is the smallest and lightest Surface device that Microsoft has ever offered. With a weight of only 522 grams and a 10" screen, it fits like a normal tablet in most pockets and can be held in the hand for a long time without any problems. At the same time, the completely renewed Surface Go offers the usual advantages of the Surface series: x86 processor with Windows operating system, meaning easy access to office programmes such as Outlook, Word and Excel. To top it off, you can turn it into a notebook with the optional Type Cover.
THE NORTH FACE Skeena Sandaalit vihreä misty sage/gravel 5.0 Naiset
35.9 EUR
Women’s Skeena Sandals. We all need a go-to pair of sandals to see us through adventures in hot weather, and our versatile Skeena sandals are set to be yours. They're comfortable enough to wear all day, and even better, they're made with eco-friendly recycled materials. Easily packed into your suitcase for a weekend away, they're fully adjustable thanks to VELCRO® straps. They're available in a choice of eye-catching colours to match your summer style.
Microsoft Surface Go 10" 8 GB 128 GB SSD yhteensopiva Stylus 4G hopea Win 10 S FR
490.99 EUR
The refurbed Microsoft Surface Go is the smallest and lightest Surface device that Microsoft has ever offered. With a weight of only 522 grams and a 10" screen, it fits like a normal tablet in most pockets and can be held in the hand for a long time without any problems. At the same time, the completely renewed Surface Go offers the usual advantages of the Surface series: x86 processor with Windows operating system, meaning easy access to office programmes such as Outlook, Word and Excel. To top it off, you can turn it into a notebook with the optional Type Cover.
Microsoft Surface Go 10" 8 GB 128 GB SSD yhteensopiva Stylus 4G hopea Win 10 S FR
509.99 EUR
The refurbed Microsoft Surface Go is the smallest and lightest Surface device that Microsoft has ever offered. With a weight of only 522 grams and a 10" screen, it fits like a normal tablet in most pockets and can be held in the hand for a long time without any problems. At the same time, the completely renewed Surface Go offers the usual advantages of the Surface series: x86 processor with Windows operating system, meaning easy access to office programmes such as Outlook, Word and Excel. To top it off, you can turn it into a notebook with the optional Type Cover.
Microsoft Surface Go 10" 8 GB 128 GB SSD hopea Win 10 S
292 EUR
The refurbed Microsoft Surface Go is the smallest and lightest Surface device that Microsoft has ever offered. With a weight of only 522 grams and a 10" screen, it fits like a normal tablet in most pockets and can be held in the hand for a long time without any problems. At the same time, the completely renewed Surface Go offers the usual advantages of the Surface series: x86 processor with Windows operating system, meaning easy access to office programmes such as Outlook, Word and Excel. To top it off, you can turn it into a notebook with the optional Type Cover.
Microsoft Surface Go 10" 8 GB 128 GB SSD hopea Win 10 S
266.99 EUR
The refurbed Microsoft Surface Go is the smallest and lightest Surface device that Microsoft has ever offered. With a weight of only 522 grams and a 10" screen, it fits like a normal tablet in most pockets and can be held in the hand for a long time without any problems. At the same time, the completely renewed Surface Go offers the usual advantages of the Surface series: x86 processor with Windows operating system, meaning easy access to office programmes such as Outlook, Word and Excel. To top it off, you can turn it into a notebook with the optional Type Cover.
Microsoft Surface Go 10" 8 GB 128 GB SSD hopea Win 10 S
251.99 EUR
The refurbed Microsoft Surface Go is the smallest and lightest Surface device that Microsoft has ever offered. With a weight of only 522 grams and a 10" screen, it fits like a normal tablet in most pockets and can be held in the hand for a long time without any problems. At the same time, the completely renewed Surface Go offers the usual advantages of the Surface series: x86 processor with Windows operating system, meaning easy access to office programmes such as Outlook, Word and Excel. To top it off, you can turn it into a notebook with the optional Type Cover.
Microsoft Surface Go 10" 8 GB 128 GB SSD yhteensopiva Stylus 4G hopea Win 10 S ND
509.99 EUR
The refurbed Microsoft Surface Go is the smallest and lightest Surface device that Microsoft has ever offered. With a weight of only 522 grams and a 10" screen, it fits like a normal tablet in most pockets and can be held in the hand for a long time without any problems. At the same time, the completely renewed Surface Go offers the usual advantages of the Surface series: x86 processor with Windows operating system, meaning easy access to office programmes such as Outlook, Word and Excel. To top it off, you can turn it into a notebook with the optional Type Cover.
Microsoft Surface Go 10" 8 GB 128 GB SSD yhteensopiva Stylus 4G hopea Win 10 S ND
490.99 EUR
The refurbed Microsoft Surface Go is the smallest and lightest Surface device that Microsoft has ever offered. With a weight of only 522 grams and a 10" screen, it fits like a normal tablet in most pockets and can be held in the hand for a long time without any problems. At the same time, the completely renewed Surface Go offers the usual advantages of the Surface series: x86 processor with Windows operating system, meaning easy access to office programmes such as Outlook, Word and Excel. To top it off, you can turn it into a notebook with the optional Type Cover.