Philips HD2640/10 Eco Conscious Edition -leivänpaahdin

76.99 EUR Yksityiskohtainen kortti täydellisillä tiedoilla, vertaa hintoja ja löydä Philips HD2640/10 Eco Conscious Edition -leivänpaahdin:n ominaisuudet hintaan 76.99 EUR; se kuuluu kategoriaan Leivänpaahtimet; tätä tuotetta myy, ja sen valmisti Philips.

Philips 5000-sarjan HD2640/10 Eco Conscious Edition -leivänpaahtimella paahdat sellaista paahtoleipää kuin haluat aamuisin, tyylikkäästi ja tehokkaasti. Tuotteen kestävän kehityksen mukainen rakenne 100-prosenttisesti biopohjaisista muoveista sekä energiatehokkaat toiminnot ovat pienentäneet hiilijalanjälkeä jopa 14 %, mikä on pieni askel kohti vihreämpää tulevaisuutta.100-prosenttisesti biopohjaisten muovien valmistuksessa on käytetty biologisia ja uusiutuvia energianlähteitä, kuten auringonkukkaöljyä. Ruoanlaitosta yli jäänyt öljy on kerätty ja kierrätetty ympäristöystävällisesti, jotta materiaali sopii käyttöön, jossa se on kosketuksissa elintarvikkeiden kanssa. Mullistavalla materiaalilla on suuri merkitys keittiössä, ja samalla se tukee positiivisia ympäristövaikutuksia.Tämä pienikokoinen leivänpaahdin, jossa on kaksi paahtoaukkoa, paahtaa leipäsi juuri oikeanlaiseksi sillä voit säätää paahtoasetuksen mieleiseksi. Paahtimen päällä olevassa lämmitystelineessä voit lämmittää croissantit, pasteijat ja sämpylät erikseen. Leivän keskitysmekanismi asettaa viipaleen tarkasti siten, että molemmat puolet paahtuvat tasaisesti riippumatta leivän paksuudesta. Voit sekä sulattaa ja paahtaa jäisen leivän tai lämmittää aiemmin paahdetun leivän hetkessä. Leivänpaahtimessa on myös 8 paahdinasetusta, joilla voit säätää haluamasi paahtoasteen. Paahtimen irrotettava murutarjotin on helppo poistaa puhdistusta varten.Luonnon innoittamassa tyylikkäässä muotoilussa on käytetty hillittyjä värejä ja luonnonmateriaaleja. Silkinvalkoinen mattapinta sopii keittiöön kuin keittiöön. Mukana oleva irrotettava puukuvioinen pölysuojus pitää roskat poissa leivänpaahtimesta säilytyksen aikana.Tekniset tiedot:Rungon väri: silkinvalkea mattapintaRungon materiaali: 100-prosenttisesti biopohjainen muoviVirta: 830 WTuotteen mitat (L x S x K): 285 x 162 x 199 mmTuotteen paino: 1,230 kgJohdon pituus: 0,85 m

EAN: 8720389000881
Toimituskulut: 0 EUR
Saatavuus: in stock
Toimitusaika: 3-8 päivää
Kunto: new

Vastaavien tuotteiden vertailu

Philips Eco Conscious Edition HD2640/10 5000-sarjan leivänpaahdin, 2 viipale(i)ta, Valkoinen, Painikkeet, Rotaatio, Kiina, 830 W, 0,85 m Philips Eco Conscious Edition HD2640/10 5000-sarjan leivänpaahdin, 2 viipale(i)ta, Valkoinen, Painikkeet, Rotaatio, Kiina, 830 W, 0,85 m 73 EUR Philips Eco Conscious Edition HD2640/10 5000-sarjan leivänpaahdin, 2 viipale(i)ta, Valkoinen, Painikkeet, Rotaatio, Kiina, 830 W, 0,85 msku: HD2640/10, brand: Philips, ean: 8720389000881
Leivänpaahdin Philips Eco Conscious Edition HD2640/10 Leivänpaahdin Philips Eco Conscious Edition HD2640/10 58.99 EUR Entistä herkullisempaa aamiaista!Juuri sellaista paahtoleipää kuin haluat aamuisin - tyylikkäästi ja tehokkaasti. Tuote on valmistettu kestävän kehityksen mukaisesti 100-prosenttisesti biopohjaisista muoveista* ja sisältää energiatehokkaita ominaisuuksia. Ota pieni askel kohti vihreämpää tulevaisuutta.- 100-prosenttisesti biopohjaisia muoveja*- 8 paahtoasetusta- 2 paahtoaukkoa, pienikokoinen- Silkinvalkoinen mattapintaSAAT TARKALLEEN HALUAMASI PAAHTOTULOKSEN JOKA AAMU830 W:n tehon ansiosta voit nauttia paahtoleivästä juuri sellaisena kuin haluat joka aamu.8 ASETUSTA IHANTEELLISEEN PAAHTOTULOKSEENUseita paahtoasetuksia erilaisten leipien paahtamiseen ilman, että leipä pääsee palamaan. Voit säätää paahtoasetuksen mieleiseksi.INTEGROITU LÄMMITYSTELINE SÄMPYLÖIDEN JA PASTEIJOIDEN LÄMMITTÄMISEENIntegroidun lämmitystelineen ansiosta voit lämmittää pasteijat ja sämpylät erikseen.LEIPÄ ASETTUU JUURI OIKEIN NIIN, ETTÄ SE PAAHTUU TASAISESTILeivän keskitysmekanismi asettaa viipaleen tarkasti niin, että molemmat puolet paahtuvat tasaisesti riippumatta leivän paksuudesta.SULATUS- JA LÄMMITYSTILAT TARJOAVAT LISÄÄ VAIHTOEHTOJAVoit sulattaa ja paahtaa jäisen leivän yhdellä kertaa ja lämmittää aiemmin paahdetun leivän sekunneissa.PAAHTAMISEN KESKEYTYSPAINIKEPeruutuspainike lopettaa paahtamisen milloin tahansa äärimmäisen tarkkuuden ja turvallisuuden takaamiseksi.IRROTETTAVA, HELPOSTI PUHDISTETTAVA MURUKAUKALOMurukaukalo on helppo poistaa puhdistusta varten.VALMISTETTU TURVALLISISTA MATERIAALEISTA, JOISSA EI OLE PVC- EIKÄ BFR-MUOVIAValmistettu turvallisista materiaaleista, joissa ei ole PVC- eikä BFR-muovia, ja tiivistystekniikan ansiosta tuote ei vuoda.KESTÄVÄ MUOTOILU EDISTÄÄ VIHREÄMPÄÄ TULEVAISUUTTAKestävän kehityksen mukaisessa rakenteessa käytetty 100-prosenttisesti biopohjaisia muoveja*, ja näin on saatu on 14 %** pienempi hiilijalanjälki. Mullistavalla materiaalilla on suuri merkitys keittiössä, ja samalla se tukee positiivisia ympäristövaikutuksia.MODERNI JA MINIMALISTINEN TYYLIYmpäristöä säästävä voi olla myös tyylikäs. Silkinvalkoinen mattapinta herättää huomiota keittiössä.PUHDASLINJAINEN JA PELKISTETTY MUOTOILULuonnon innoittamassa muotoilussa on käytetty hillittyjä värejä ja luonnonmateriaaleja. Mukana irrotettava puukuvioinen pölysuojus, joka pitää leivänpaahtimen puhtaana säilytyksen aikana.****** PP-muovia sertifioiduista biopohjaisista lähteistä.** Laskelma perustuu vertailtuun identtiseen laitteeseen, jossa käytetään biomuovia vs. 100 % neitseellistä muovia (tai neitseellistä polypropeenia).
Tehosekoitin Philips Eco Conscious Edition HR2500/00 Tehosekoitin Philips Eco Conscious Edition HR2500/00 58.99 EUR Suunniteltu kestävä kehitys edellä.Tyylikkäällä ja tehokkaalla laitteella valmistat helposti maukkaat aamiaissmoothiet. Kestävän kehityksen mukainen rakenne sisältää biopohjaisia muoveja ja kierrätysmuovia.- "ProBlend"-tekniikka- 600 ml:n "Tritan™ Renew" -sekoitusmuki- Silkinvalkoinen mattapinta- Biopohjainen muoviLAAJENNA RESEPTIVALIKOIMAASI "NUTRIU"-SOVELLUKSEN AVULLALataa ja tutustu "NutriU"-sovellukseen, jossa on yli 200 ideaa suosikkijuomien, -aterioiden ja -välipalojen tekemiseen uudella tehosekoittimellasi. Terveellisen ruoanlaiton pitäisi olla yksinkertaista ja houkuttelevaa. Siksi "NutriU"-sovellus tarjoaa monenlaisia terveellisiä versioita suosikkiruoistasi. Terveellisistä suklaajälkiruoista ravintoainepitoisiin aterioihin: reseptimme ovat terveellisiä herkullisuudesta tinkimättä.IRROTETTAVAT TERÄT ON NOPEA PUHDISTAAKaikki irrotettavat osat on helppo huuhdella, ja ne ovat konepestäviä."PROBLEND"-TEKNIIKKA TAKAA TASAISEN TULOKSEN ILMAN PAAKKUJA"ProBlend"-tekniikka yhdistää kolme ominaisuutta, jotka on suunniteltu tarjoamaan tasainen, paakuton lopputulos ainesten optimaalisen kierron avulla. "ProBlend"-moottori kierrättää aineksia tasaisesti optimaalisella 350 watin teholla. Ainutlaatuiset "ProBlend"-terät on suunniteltu voiman ja leikkaustuloksen maksimoimiseen. "ProBlend"-kannussa on ainutlaatuiset harjanteet, jotka ohjaavat ainekset takaisin kiertoon.NOPEA JA HELPPOKÄYTTÖINENHelppokäyttöinen: lisää ainekset, käännä, sekoita ja nauti."TRITAN™ RENEW" -SEKOITUSMUKI, EI SISÄLLÄ BPA:TA, LÄPINÄKYVÄ JA KESTÄVÄIskunkestävä "Tritan Renew" -sekoitusmuki kulkee kätevästi mukana eikä sisällä BPA:ta. Sen voi pestä astianpesukoneessa jopa satoja kertoja.KESTÄVÄ MUOTOILU EDISTÄÄ VIHREÄMPÄÄ TULEVAISUUTTA  Kestävän kehityksen mukaisesti suunnitellussa rungossa on käytetty biopohjaisia muoveja ja sekoitusmukissa kierrätysmuovia, minkä ansiosta on saavutettu 17 % pienempi hiilijalanjälki*!MODERNI JA MINIMALISTINEN TYYLIYmpäristöä säästävä voi olla tyylikäs. Silkinvalkoinen mattapinta herättää huomiota keittiössä.PUHDASLINJAINEN JA PELKISTETTY MUOTOILULuonnon innoittamaa muotoilua, hillittyjä värejä ja luonnonmateriaaleja.*Laskelma perustuu saman laitteen tuotantoon biomuovista ja "Tritan™ Renew"" -muovista verrattuna 100-prosenttisesti uuteen muoviin (tai polypropeeniin) ja "Tritan™"-muoviin.
Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G Bespoke Edition   256 GB   Dual SIM   sininen Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G Bespoke Edition 256 GB Dual SIM sininen 488.99 EUR Refurbished Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G: Unfold a New Chapter in Style, Speed, and Sustainability! Step into the future with the completely renewed Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G, an epitome of cutting-edge technology, sleek design, and eco-conscious innovation. This foldable masterpiece is not just a phone; it's a statement – redefining the way you communicate, create, and contribute to a sustainable world. Key Features: Compact Foldable Design: The refurbed Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G marries style with practicality, boasting a compact foldable design that fits seamlessly into your pocket. Unfold it to reveal a full-sized smartphone, offering a unique and satisfying experience every time. Dynamic AMOLED Display: Immerse yourself in the brilliance of the refurbed Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G's dynamic AMOLED display. The vibrant colors, sharp contrast, and smooth transitions make every interaction a visual delight, whether you're scrolling through social media or watching your favorite videos. 5G Connectivity: Stay ahead in the digital race with blazing-fast 5G connectivity. Enjoy lightning-speed downloads, seamless video calls, and responsive online gaming, ensuring you're always connected to the world around you. Sustainable Build: Buying a refurbished device exemplifies a commitment to sustainability more than buying new, without compromising on style or functionality. Specifications: Foldable Design: Unfolded - 6,7", Folded - 1.9" Display: Dynamic AMOLED, 120Hz refresh rate Connectivity: 5G Processor: Octa-core RAM: 8 GB Storage: 128/256/512 GB, expandable via microSD Camera: Dual-lens rear camera (12 MP + 12 MP), 10 MP front camera Battery: 3700 mAh, fast charging, wireless charging Benefits: Perfect for Parents: The refurbished Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G's compact design is perfect for parents on the go. Easily slip it into your pocket or bag, and unfold it when you need a larger screen for browsing, video calls, or capturing those spontaneous family moments. Ideal for Older Users: The user-friendly interface and compact form factor make the used Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G an ideal choice for older users. The foldable design adds a touch of novelty while providing a comfortable and straightforward smartphone experience. Savvy and Sustainable: For the environmentally conscious, the completely renewed Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G is not just a tech accessory; it's a sustainable choice more than buying new. This device aligns with your values, allowing you to make a positive impact on the planet without sacrificing performance. Why you should buy the completely renewed Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G now? Fashionable Flexibility: Elevate your style with the refurbed Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G. The foldable design adds a touch of sophistication, making a statement about your tech-savvy and fashion-forward lifestyle. On-the-Go Productivity: Enhance your productivity with the refurbished Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G's compact design. Unfold it for a larger screen when working on documents or multitasking, and fold it back...
Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G Bespoke Edition   256 GB   Dual SIM   sininen Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G Bespoke Edition 256 GB Dual SIM sininen 468.99 EUR Refurbished Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G: Unfold a New Chapter in Style, Speed, and Sustainability! Step into the future with the completely renewed Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G, an epitome of cutting-edge technology, sleek design, and eco-conscious innovation. This foldable masterpiece is not just a phone; it's a statement – redefining the way you communicate, create, and contribute to a sustainable world. Key Features: Compact Foldable Design: The refurbed Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G marries style with practicality, boasting a compact foldable design that fits seamlessly into your pocket. Unfold it to reveal a full-sized smartphone, offering a unique and satisfying experience every time. Dynamic AMOLED Display: Immerse yourself in the brilliance of the refurbed Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G's dynamic AMOLED display. The vibrant colors, sharp contrast, and smooth transitions make every interaction a visual delight, whether you're scrolling through social media or watching your favorite videos. 5G Connectivity: Stay ahead in the digital race with blazing-fast 5G connectivity. Enjoy lightning-speed downloads, seamless video calls, and responsive online gaming, ensuring you're always connected to the world around you. Sustainable Build: Buying a refurbished device exemplifies a commitment to sustainability more than buying new, without compromising on style or functionality. Specifications: Foldable Design: Unfolded - 6,7", Folded - 1.9" Display: Dynamic AMOLED, 120Hz refresh rate Connectivity: 5G Processor: Octa-core RAM: 8 GB Storage: 128/256/512 GB, expandable via microSD Camera: Dual-lens rear camera (12 MP + 12 MP), 10 MP front camera Battery: 3700 mAh, fast charging, wireless charging Benefits: Perfect for Parents: The refurbished Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G's compact design is perfect for parents on the go. Easily slip it into your pocket or bag, and unfold it when you need a larger screen for browsing, video calls, or capturing those spontaneous family moments. Ideal for Older Users: The user-friendly interface and compact form factor make the used Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G an ideal choice for older users. The foldable design adds a touch of novelty while providing a comfortable and straightforward smartphone experience. Savvy and Sustainable: For the environmentally conscious, the completely renewed Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G is not just a tech accessory; it's a sustainable choice more than buying new. This device aligns with your values, allowing you to make a positive impact on the planet without sacrificing performance. Why you should buy the completely renewed Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G now? Fashionable Flexibility: Elevate your style with the refurbed Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G. The foldable design adds a touch of sophistication, making a statement about your tech-savvy and fashion-forward lifestyle. On-the-Go Productivity: Enhance your productivity with the refurbished Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G's compact design. Unfold it for a larger screen when working on documents or multitasking, and fold it back...
Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G Bespoke Edition   256 GB   Dual-SIM   valkoinen/punainen Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G Bespoke Edition 256 GB Dual-SIM valkoinen/punainen 488.99 EUR Refurbished Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G: Unfold a New Chapter in Style, Speed, and Sustainability! Step into the future with the completely renewed Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G, an epitome of cutting-edge technology, sleek design, and eco-conscious innovation. This foldable masterpiece is not just a phone; it's a statement – redefining the way you communicate, create, and contribute to a sustainable world. Key Features: Compact Foldable Design: The refurbed Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G marries style with practicality, boasting a compact foldable design that fits seamlessly into your pocket. Unfold it to reveal a full-sized smartphone, offering a unique and satisfying experience every time. Dynamic AMOLED Display: Immerse yourself in the brilliance of the refurbed Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G's dynamic AMOLED display. The vibrant colors, sharp contrast, and smooth transitions make every interaction a visual delight, whether you're scrolling through social media or watching your favorite videos. 5G Connectivity: Stay ahead in the digital race with blazing-fast 5G connectivity. Enjoy lightning-speed downloads, seamless video calls, and responsive online gaming, ensuring you're always connected to the world around you. Sustainable Build: Buying a refurbished device exemplifies a commitment to sustainability more than buying new, without compromising on style or functionality. Specifications: Foldable Design: Unfolded - 6,7", Folded - 1.9" Display: Dynamic AMOLED, 120Hz refresh rate Connectivity: 5G Processor: Octa-core RAM: 8 GB Storage: 128/256/512 GB, expandable via microSD Camera: Dual-lens rear camera (12 MP + 12 MP), 10 MP front camera Battery: 3700 mAh, fast charging, wireless charging Benefits: Perfect for Parents: The refurbished Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G's compact design is perfect for parents on the go. Easily slip it into your pocket or bag, and unfold it when you need a larger screen for browsing, video calls, or capturing those spontaneous family moments. Ideal for Older Users: The user-friendly interface and compact form factor make the used Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G an ideal choice for older users. The foldable design adds a touch of novelty while providing a comfortable and straightforward smartphone experience. Savvy and Sustainable: For the environmentally conscious, the completely renewed Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G is not just a tech accessory; it's a sustainable choice more than buying new. This device aligns with your values, allowing you to make a positive impact on the planet without sacrificing performance. Why you should buy the completely renewed Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G now? Fashionable Flexibility: Elevate your style with the refurbed Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G. The foldable design adds a touch of sophistication, making a statement about your tech-savvy and fashion-forward lifestyle. On-the-Go Productivity: Enhance your productivity with the refurbished Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G's compact design. Unfold it for a larger screen when working on documents or multitasking, and fold it back...
Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G Bespoke Edition   256 GB   Dual SIM   vihreä Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G Bespoke Edition 256 GB Dual SIM vihreä 468.99 EUR Refurbished Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G: Unfold a New Chapter in Style, Speed, and Sustainability! Step into the future with the completely renewed Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G, an epitome of cutting-edge technology, sleek design, and eco-conscious innovation. This foldable masterpiece is not just a phone; it's a statement – redefining the way you communicate, create, and contribute to a sustainable world. Key Features: Compact Foldable Design: The refurbed Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G marries style with practicality, boasting a compact foldable design that fits seamlessly into your pocket. Unfold it to reveal a full-sized smartphone, offering a unique and satisfying experience every time. Dynamic AMOLED Display: Immerse yourself in the brilliance of the refurbed Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G's dynamic AMOLED display. The vibrant colors, sharp contrast, and smooth transitions make every interaction a visual delight, whether you're scrolling through social media or watching your favorite videos. 5G Connectivity: Stay ahead in the digital race with blazing-fast 5G connectivity. Enjoy lightning-speed downloads, seamless video calls, and responsive online gaming, ensuring you're always connected to the world around you. Sustainable Build: Buying a refurbished device exemplifies a commitment to sustainability more than buying new, without compromising on style or functionality. Specifications: Foldable Design: Unfolded - 6,7", Folded - 1.9" Display: Dynamic AMOLED, 120Hz refresh rate Connectivity: 5G Processor: Octa-core RAM: 8 GB Storage: 128/256/512 GB, expandable via microSD Camera: Dual-lens rear camera (12 MP + 12 MP), 10 MP front camera Battery: 3700 mAh, fast charging, wireless charging Benefits: Perfect for Parents: The refurbished Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G's compact design is perfect for parents on the go. Easily slip it into your pocket or bag, and unfold it when you need a larger screen for browsing, video calls, or capturing those spontaneous family moments. Ideal for Older Users: The user-friendly interface and compact form factor make the used Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G an ideal choice for older users. The foldable design adds a touch of novelty while providing a comfortable and straightforward smartphone experience. Savvy and Sustainable: For the environmentally conscious, the completely renewed Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G is not just a tech accessory; it's a sustainable choice more than buying new. This device aligns with your values, allowing you to make a positive impact on the planet without sacrificing performance. Why you should buy the completely renewed Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G now? Fashionable Flexibility: Elevate your style with the refurbed Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G. The foldable design adds a touch of sophistication, making a statement about your tech-savvy and fashion-forward lifestyle. On-the-Go Productivity: Enhance your productivity with the refurbished Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G's compact design. Unfold it for a larger screen when working on documents or multitasking, and fold it back...
Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G Bespoke Edition   256 GB   Dual SIM   vihreä Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G Bespoke Edition 256 GB Dual SIM vihreä 438.99 EUR Refurbished Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G: Unfold a New Chapter in Style, Speed, and Sustainability! Step into the future with the completely renewed Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G, an epitome of cutting-edge technology, sleek design, and eco-conscious innovation. This foldable masterpiece is not just a phone; it's a statement – redefining the way you communicate, create, and contribute to a sustainable world. Key Features: Compact Foldable Design: The refurbed Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G marries style with practicality, boasting a compact foldable design that fits seamlessly into your pocket. Unfold it to reveal a full-sized smartphone, offering a unique and satisfying experience every time. Dynamic AMOLED Display: Immerse yourself in the brilliance of the refurbed Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G's dynamic AMOLED display. The vibrant colors, sharp contrast, and smooth transitions make every interaction a visual delight, whether you're scrolling through social media or watching your favorite videos. 5G Connectivity: Stay ahead in the digital race with blazing-fast 5G connectivity. Enjoy lightning-speed downloads, seamless video calls, and responsive online gaming, ensuring you're always connected to the world around you. Sustainable Build: Buying a refurbished device exemplifies a commitment to sustainability more than buying new, without compromising on style or functionality. Specifications: Foldable Design: Unfolded - 6,7", Folded - 1.9" Display: Dynamic AMOLED, 120Hz refresh rate Connectivity: 5G Processor: Octa-core RAM: 8 GB Storage: 128/256/512 GB, expandable via microSD Camera: Dual-lens rear camera (12 MP + 12 MP), 10 MP front camera Battery: 3700 mAh, fast charging, wireless charging Benefits: Perfect for Parents: The refurbished Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G's compact design is perfect for parents on the go. Easily slip it into your pocket or bag, and unfold it when you need a larger screen for browsing, video calls, or capturing those spontaneous family moments. Ideal for Older Users: The user-friendly interface and compact form factor make the used Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G an ideal choice for older users. The foldable design adds a touch of novelty while providing a comfortable and straightforward smartphone experience. Savvy and Sustainable: For the environmentally conscious, the completely renewed Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G is not just a tech accessory; it's a sustainable choice more than buying new. This device aligns with your values, allowing you to make a positive impact on the planet without sacrificing performance. Why you should buy the completely renewed Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G now? Fashionable Flexibility: Elevate your style with the refurbed Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G. The foldable design adds a touch of sophistication, making a statement about your tech-savvy and fashion-forward lifestyle. On-the-Go Productivity: Enhance your productivity with the refurbished Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G's compact design. Unfold it for a larger screen when working on documents or multitasking, and fold it back...
Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G Bespoke Edition   256 GB   Dual SIM   vihreä Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G Bespoke Edition 256 GB Dual SIM vihreä 488.99 EUR Refurbished Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G: Unfold a New Chapter in Style, Speed, and Sustainability! Step into the future with the completely renewed Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G, an epitome of cutting-edge technology, sleek design, and eco-conscious innovation. This foldable masterpiece is not just a phone; it's a statement – redefining the way you communicate, create, and contribute to a sustainable world. Key Features: Compact Foldable Design: The refurbed Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G marries style with practicality, boasting a compact foldable design that fits seamlessly into your pocket. Unfold it to reveal a full-sized smartphone, offering a unique and satisfying experience every time. Dynamic AMOLED Display: Immerse yourself in the brilliance of the refurbed Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G's dynamic AMOLED display. The vibrant colors, sharp contrast, and smooth transitions make every interaction a visual delight, whether you're scrolling through social media or watching your favorite videos. 5G Connectivity: Stay ahead in the digital race with blazing-fast 5G connectivity. Enjoy lightning-speed downloads, seamless video calls, and responsive online gaming, ensuring you're always connected to the world around you. Sustainable Build: Buying a refurbished device exemplifies a commitment to sustainability more than buying new, without compromising on style or functionality. Specifications: Foldable Design: Unfolded - 6,7", Folded - 1.9" Display: Dynamic AMOLED, 120Hz refresh rate Connectivity: 5G Processor: Octa-core RAM: 8 GB Storage: 128/256/512 GB, expandable via microSD Camera: Dual-lens rear camera (12 MP + 12 MP), 10 MP front camera Battery: 3700 mAh, fast charging, wireless charging Benefits: Perfect for Parents: The refurbished Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G's compact design is perfect for parents on the go. Easily slip it into your pocket or bag, and unfold it when you need a larger screen for browsing, video calls, or capturing those spontaneous family moments. Ideal for Older Users: The user-friendly interface and compact form factor make the used Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G an ideal choice for older users. The foldable design adds a touch of novelty while providing a comfortable and straightforward smartphone experience. Savvy and Sustainable: For the environmentally conscious, the completely renewed Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G is not just a tech accessory; it's a sustainable choice more than buying new. This device aligns with your values, allowing you to make a positive impact on the planet without sacrificing performance. Why you should buy the completely renewed Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G now? Fashionable Flexibility: Elevate your style with the refurbed Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G. The foldable design adds a touch of sophistication, making a statement about your tech-savvy and fashion-forward lifestyle. On-the-Go Productivity: Enhance your productivity with the refurbished Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G's compact design. Unfold it for a larger screen when working on documents or multitasking, and fold it back...
Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G Bespoke Edition   256 GB   Dual SIM   valkoinen Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G Bespoke Edition 256 GB Dual SIM valkoinen 472 EUR Refurbished Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G: Unfold a New Chapter in Style, Speed, and Sustainability! Step into the future with the completely renewed Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G, an epitome of cutting-edge technology, sleek design, and eco-conscious innovation. This foldable masterpiece is not just a phone; it's a statement – redefining the way you communicate, create, and contribute to a sustainable world. Key Features: Compact Foldable Design: The refurbed Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G marries style with practicality, boasting a compact foldable design that fits seamlessly into your pocket. Unfold it to reveal a full-sized smartphone, offering a unique and satisfying experience every time. Dynamic AMOLED Display: Immerse yourself in the brilliance of the refurbed Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G's dynamic AMOLED display. The vibrant colors, sharp contrast, and smooth transitions make every interaction a visual delight, whether you're scrolling through social media or watching your favorite videos. 5G Connectivity: Stay ahead in the digital race with blazing-fast 5G connectivity. Enjoy lightning-speed downloads, seamless video calls, and responsive online gaming, ensuring you're always connected to the world around you. Sustainable Build: Buying a refurbished device exemplifies a commitment to sustainability more than buying new, without compromising on style or functionality. Specifications: Foldable Design: Unfolded - 6,7", Folded - 1.9" Display: Dynamic AMOLED, 120Hz refresh rate Connectivity: 5G Processor: Octa-core RAM: 8 GB Storage: 128/256/512 GB, expandable via microSD Camera: Dual-lens rear camera (12 MP + 12 MP), 10 MP front camera Battery: 3700 mAh, fast charging, wireless charging Benefits: Perfect for Parents: The refurbished Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G's compact design is perfect for parents on the go. Easily slip it into your pocket or bag, and unfold it when you need a larger screen for browsing, video calls, or capturing those spontaneous family moments. Ideal for Older Users: The user-friendly interface and compact form factor make the used Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G an ideal choice for older users. The foldable design adds a touch of novelty while providing a comfortable and straightforward smartphone experience. Savvy and Sustainable: For the environmentally conscious, the completely renewed Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G is not just a tech accessory; it's a sustainable choice more than buying new. This device aligns with your values, allowing you to make a positive impact on the planet without sacrificing performance. Why you should buy the completely renewed Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G now? Fashionable Flexibility: Elevate your style with the refurbed Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G. The foldable design adds a touch of sophistication, making a statement about your tech-savvy and fashion-forward lifestyle. On-the-Go Productivity: Enhance your productivity with the refurbished Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G's compact design. Unfold it for a larger screen when working on documents or multitasking, and fold it back...
Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G Bespoke Edition   256 GB   Dual SIM   valkoinen Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G Bespoke Edition 256 GB Dual SIM valkoinen 442 EUR Refurbished Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G: Unfold a New Chapter in Style, Speed, and Sustainability! Step into the future with the completely renewed Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G, an epitome of cutting-edge technology, sleek design, and eco-conscious innovation. This foldable masterpiece is not just a phone; it's a statement – redefining the way you communicate, create, and contribute to a sustainable world. Key Features: Compact Foldable Design: The refurbed Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G marries style with practicality, boasting a compact foldable design that fits seamlessly into your pocket. Unfold it to reveal a full-sized smartphone, offering a unique and satisfying experience every time. Dynamic AMOLED Display: Immerse yourself in the brilliance of the refurbed Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G's dynamic AMOLED display. The vibrant colors, sharp contrast, and smooth transitions make every interaction a visual delight, whether you're scrolling through social media or watching your favorite videos. 5G Connectivity: Stay ahead in the digital race with blazing-fast 5G connectivity. Enjoy lightning-speed downloads, seamless video calls, and responsive online gaming, ensuring you're always connected to the world around you. Sustainable Build: Buying a refurbished device exemplifies a commitment to sustainability more than buying new, without compromising on style or functionality. Specifications: Foldable Design: Unfolded - 6,7", Folded - 1.9" Display: Dynamic AMOLED, 120Hz refresh rate Connectivity: 5G Processor: Octa-core RAM: 8 GB Storage: 128/256/512 GB, expandable via microSD Camera: Dual-lens rear camera (12 MP + 12 MP), 10 MP front camera Battery: 3700 mAh, fast charging, wireless charging Benefits: Perfect for Parents: The refurbished Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G's compact design is perfect for parents on the go. Easily slip it into your pocket or bag, and unfold it when you need a larger screen for browsing, video calls, or capturing those spontaneous family moments. Ideal for Older Users: The user-friendly interface and compact form factor make the used Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G an ideal choice for older users. The foldable design adds a touch of novelty while providing a comfortable and straightforward smartphone experience. Savvy and Sustainable: For the environmentally conscious, the completely renewed Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G is not just a tech accessory; it's a sustainable choice more than buying new. This device aligns with your values, allowing you to make a positive impact on the planet without sacrificing performance. Why you should buy the completely renewed Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G now? Fashionable Flexibility: Elevate your style with the refurbed Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G. The foldable design adds a touch of sophistication, making a statement about your tech-savvy and fashion-forward lifestyle. On-the-Go Productivity: Enhance your productivity with the refurbished Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G's compact design. Unfold it for a larger screen when working on documents or multitasking, and fold it back...
Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G Bespoke Edition   256 GB   Dual SIM   kulta Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G Bespoke Edition 256 GB Dual SIM kulta 472 EUR Refurbished Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G: Unfold a New Chapter in Style, Speed, and Sustainability! Step into the future with the completely renewed Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G, an epitome of cutting-edge technology, sleek design, and eco-conscious innovation. This foldable masterpiece is not just a phone; it's a statement – redefining the way you communicate, create, and contribute to a sustainable world. Key Features: Compact Foldable Design: The refurbed Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G marries style with practicality, boasting a compact foldable design that fits seamlessly into your pocket. Unfold it to reveal a full-sized smartphone, offering a unique and satisfying experience every time. Dynamic AMOLED Display: Immerse yourself in the brilliance of the refurbed Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G's dynamic AMOLED display. The vibrant colors, sharp contrast, and smooth transitions make every interaction a visual delight, whether you're scrolling through social media or watching your favorite videos. 5G Connectivity: Stay ahead in the digital race with blazing-fast 5G connectivity. Enjoy lightning-speed downloads, seamless video calls, and responsive online gaming, ensuring you're always connected to the world around you. Sustainable Build: Buying a refurbished device exemplifies a commitment to sustainability more than buying new, without compromising on style or functionality. Specifications: Foldable Design: Unfolded - 6,7", Folded - 1.9" Display: Dynamic AMOLED, 120Hz refresh rate Connectivity: 5G Processor: Octa-core RAM: 8 GB Storage: 128/256/512 GB, expandable via microSD Camera: Dual-lens rear camera (12 MP + 12 MP), 10 MP front camera Battery: 3700 mAh, fast charging, wireless charging Benefits: Perfect for Parents: The refurbished Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G's compact design is perfect for parents on the go. Easily slip it into your pocket or bag, and unfold it when you need a larger screen for browsing, video calls, or capturing those spontaneous family moments. Ideal for Older Users: The user-friendly interface and compact form factor make the used Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G an ideal choice for older users. The foldable design adds a touch of novelty while providing a comfortable and straightforward smartphone experience. Savvy and Sustainable: For the environmentally conscious, the completely renewed Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G is not just a tech accessory; it's a sustainable choice more than buying new. This device aligns with your values, allowing you to make a positive impact on the planet without sacrificing performance. Why you should buy the completely renewed Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G now? Fashionable Flexibility: Elevate your style with the refurbed Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G. The foldable design adds a touch of sophistication, making a statement about your tech-savvy and fashion-forward lifestyle. On-the-Go Productivity: Enhance your productivity with the refurbished Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G's compact design. Unfold it for a larger screen when working on documents or multitasking, and fold it back...
HP ProBook 650 G5   i5-8265U   15.6   16 GB   256 GB SSD   FHD   Webkamera   4G   Win 10 Pro   CZ HP ProBook 650 G5 i5-8265U 15.6" 16 GB 256 GB SSD FHD Webkamera 4G Win 10 Pro CZ 493 EUR Refurbished HP ProBook 650 G5: Elevate Your Digital Experience with Unmatched Performance and Sustainability Unleash the power of productivity and sustainability with the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G5, a laptop that seamlessly blends cutting-edge technology with an eco-conscious design. Perfect for parents seeking the ideal device for their children, tech-savvy users, or those embracing a sustainable lifestyle. Key Features: Robust Performance: Experience unparalleled speed and efficiency with the Intel Core processor, ensuring smooth multitasking and responsive performance. Durable Design: Crafted with precision, the refurbished ProBook 650 G5 boasts a sleek aluminium chassis that not only exudes sophistication but also ensures durability for everyday use. Immersive Display: Enjoy crisp visuals on the 15.6" display, providing an immersive viewing experience for work or play. Specifications: Intel Core processor 15.6" display Aluminium chassis for durability Ample storage options Who is This Device Good For? Empower students with a reliable companion for academic pursuits. Provide older users with a user-friendly interface for seamless navigation. Choose sustainability without compromising on performance. Choose the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G5 – where performance meets sustainability for a brighter digital future, more than buying new.
HP ProBook 650 G5   i5-8265U   15.6   16 GB   256 GB SSD   FHD   Webkamera   4G   Win 10 Pro   CZ HP ProBook 650 G5 i5-8265U 15.6" 16 GB 256 GB SSD FHD Webkamera 4G Win 10 Pro CZ 503 EUR Refurbished HP ProBook 650 G5: Elevate Your Digital Experience with Unmatched Performance and Sustainability Unleash the power of productivity and sustainability with the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G5, a laptop that seamlessly blends cutting-edge technology with an eco-conscious design. Perfect for parents seeking the ideal device for their children, tech-savvy users, or those embracing a sustainable lifestyle. Key Features: Robust Performance: Experience unparalleled speed and efficiency with the Intel Core processor, ensuring smooth multitasking and responsive performance. Durable Design: Crafted with precision, the refurbished ProBook 650 G5 boasts a sleek aluminium chassis that not only exudes sophistication but also ensures durability for everyday use. Immersive Display: Enjoy crisp visuals on the 15.6" display, providing an immersive viewing experience for work or play. Specifications: Intel Core processor 15.6" display Aluminium chassis for durability Ample storage options Who is This Device Good For? Empower students with a reliable companion for academic pursuits. Provide older users with a user-friendly interface for seamless navigation. Choose sustainability without compromising on performance. Choose the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G5 – where performance meets sustainability for a brighter digital future, more than buying new.
HP ProBook 650 G5   i5-8265U   15.6   16 GB   256 GB SSD   FHD   Webkamera   4G   Win 10 Pro   FI HP ProBook 650 G5 i5-8265U 15.6" 16 GB 256 GB SSD FHD Webkamera 4G Win 10 Pro FI 493 EUR Refurbished HP ProBook 650 G5: Elevate Your Digital Experience with Unmatched Performance and Sustainability Unleash the power of productivity and sustainability with the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G5, a laptop that seamlessly blends cutting-edge technology with an eco-conscious design. Perfect for parents seeking the ideal device for their children, tech-savvy users, or those embracing a sustainable lifestyle. Key Features: Robust Performance: Experience unparalleled speed and efficiency with the Intel Core processor, ensuring smooth multitasking and responsive performance. Durable Design: Crafted with precision, the refurbished ProBook 650 G5 boasts a sleek aluminium chassis that not only exudes sophistication but also ensures durability for everyday use. Immersive Display: Enjoy crisp visuals on the 15.6" display, providing an immersive viewing experience for work or play. Specifications: Intel Core processor 15.6" display Aluminium chassis for durability Ample storage options Who is This Device Good For? Empower students with a reliable companion for academic pursuits. Provide older users with a user-friendly interface for seamless navigation. Choose sustainability without compromising on performance. Choose the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G5 – where performance meets sustainability for a brighter digital future, more than buying new.
HP ProBook 650 G5   i5-8265U   15.6   16 GB   256 GB SSD   FHD   Webkamera   4G   Win 10 Pro   FI HP ProBook 650 G5 i5-8265U 15.6" 16 GB 256 GB SSD FHD Webkamera 4G Win 10 Pro FI 503 EUR Refurbished HP ProBook 650 G5: Elevate Your Digital Experience with Unmatched Performance and Sustainability Unleash the power of productivity and sustainability with the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G5, a laptop that seamlessly blends cutting-edge technology with an eco-conscious design. Perfect for parents seeking the ideal device for their children, tech-savvy users, or those embracing a sustainable lifestyle. Key Features: Robust Performance: Experience unparalleled speed and efficiency with the Intel Core processor, ensuring smooth multitasking and responsive performance. Durable Design: Crafted with precision, the refurbished ProBook 650 G5 boasts a sleek aluminium chassis that not only exudes sophistication but also ensures durability for everyday use. Immersive Display: Enjoy crisp visuals on the 15.6" display, providing an immersive viewing experience for work or play. Specifications: Intel Core processor 15.6" display Aluminium chassis for durability Ample storage options Who is This Device Good For? Empower students with a reliable companion for academic pursuits. Provide older users with a user-friendly interface for seamless navigation. Choose sustainability without compromising on performance. Choose the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G5 – where performance meets sustainability for a brighter digital future, more than buying new.
HP ProBook 650 G8   i5-1145G7   15.6   32 GB   256 GB SSD   FP   Taustavalaistu näppäimistö   Win 10 Pro   DE HP ProBook 650 G8 i5-1145G7 15.6" 32 GB 256 GB SSD FP Taustavalaistu näppäimistö Win 10 Pro DE 697 EUR Refurbished HP ProBook 650 G8: Elevate Your Digital Experience with Unmatched Performance and Sustainability Unleash the power of productivity and sustainability with the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G8, a laptop that seamlessly blends cutting-edge technology with an eco-conscious design. Perfect for parents seeking the ideal device for their children, tech-savvy users, or those embracing a sustainable lifestyle. Key Features: Robust Performance: Experience unparalleled speed and efficiency with the Intel Core processor, ensuring smooth multitasking and responsive performance. Durable Design: Crafted with precision, the refurbished ProBook 650 G8 boasts a sleek aluminium chassis that not only exudes sophistication but also ensures durability for everyday use. Immersive Display: Enjoy crisp visuals on the 15.6" display, providing an immersive viewing experience for work or play. Specifications: Intel Core processor 15.6" display Aluminium chassis for durability Ample storage options Who is This Device Good For? Empower students with a reliable companion for academic pursuits. Provide older users with a user-friendly interface for seamless navigation. Choose sustainability without compromising on performance. Choose the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G8 – where performance meets sustainability for a brighter digital future, more than buying new.
HP ProBook 650 G8   i5-1145G7   15.6   32 GB   256 GB SSD   FP   Taustavalaistu näppäimistö   Win 10 Pro   DE HP ProBook 650 G8 i5-1145G7 15.6" 32 GB 256 GB SSD FP Taustavalaistu näppäimistö Win 10 Pro DE 677 EUR Refurbished HP ProBook 650 G8: Elevate Your Digital Experience with Unmatched Performance and Sustainability Unleash the power of productivity and sustainability with the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G8, a laptop that seamlessly blends cutting-edge technology with an eco-conscious design. Perfect for parents seeking the ideal device for their children, tech-savvy users, or those embracing a sustainable lifestyle. Key Features: Robust Performance: Experience unparalleled speed and efficiency with the Intel Core processor, ensuring smooth multitasking and responsive performance. Durable Design: Crafted with precision, the refurbished ProBook 650 G8 boasts a sleek aluminium chassis that not only exudes sophistication but also ensures durability for everyday use. Immersive Display: Enjoy crisp visuals on the 15.6" display, providing an immersive viewing experience for work or play. Specifications: Intel Core processor 15.6" display Aluminium chassis for durability Ample storage options Who is This Device Good For? Empower students with a reliable companion for academic pursuits. Provide older users with a user-friendly interface for seamless navigation. Choose sustainability without compromising on performance. Choose the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G8 – where performance meets sustainability for a brighter digital future, more than buying new.
HP ProBook 650 G8   i5-1145G7   15.6   32 GB   256 GB SSD   FP   Taustavalaistu näppäimistö   Win 10 Pro   DE HP ProBook 650 G8 i5-1145G7 15.6" 32 GB 256 GB SSD FP Taustavalaistu näppäimistö Win 10 Pro DE 677 EUR Refurbished HP ProBook 650 G8: Elevate Your Digital Experience with Unmatched Performance and Sustainability Unleash the power of productivity and sustainability with the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G8, a laptop that seamlessly blends cutting-edge technology with an eco-conscious design. Perfect for parents seeking the ideal device for their children, tech-savvy users, or those embracing a sustainable lifestyle. Key Features: Robust Performance: Experience unparalleled speed and efficiency with the Intel Core processor, ensuring smooth multitasking and responsive performance. Durable Design: Crafted with precision, the refurbished ProBook 650 G8 boasts a sleek aluminium chassis that not only exudes sophistication but also ensures durability for everyday use. Immersive Display: Enjoy crisp visuals on the 15.6" display, providing an immersive viewing experience for work or play. Specifications: Intel Core processor 15.6" display Aluminium chassis for durability Ample storage options Who is This Device Good For? Empower students with a reliable companion for academic pursuits. Provide older users with a user-friendly interface for seamless navigation. Choose sustainability without compromising on performance. Choose the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G8 – where performance meets sustainability for a brighter digital future, more than buying new.
HP ProBook 650 G5   i5-8265U   15.6   16 GB   256 GB SSD   FHD   Webkamera   4G   Win 10 Pro   BE HP ProBook 650 G5 i5-8265U 15.6" 16 GB 256 GB SSD FHD Webkamera 4G Win 10 Pro BE 493 EUR Refurbished HP ProBook 650 G5: Elevate Your Digital Experience with Unmatched Performance and Sustainability Unleash the power of productivity and sustainability with the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G5, a laptop that seamlessly blends cutting-edge technology with an eco-conscious design. Perfect for parents seeking the ideal device for their children, tech-savvy users, or those embracing a sustainable lifestyle. Key Features: Robust Performance: Experience unparalleled speed and efficiency with the Intel Core processor, ensuring smooth multitasking and responsive performance. Durable Design: Crafted with precision, the refurbished ProBook 650 G5 boasts a sleek aluminium chassis that not only exudes sophistication but also ensures durability for everyday use. Immersive Display: Enjoy crisp visuals on the 15.6" display, providing an immersive viewing experience for work or play. Specifications: Intel Core processor 15.6" display Aluminium chassis for durability Ample storage options Who is This Device Good For? Empower students with a reliable companion for academic pursuits. Provide older users with a user-friendly interface for seamless navigation. Choose sustainability without compromising on performance. Choose the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G5 – where performance meets sustainability for a brighter digital future, more than buying new.
HP ProBook 650 G5   i5-8265U   15.6   16 GB   256 GB SSD   FHD   Webkamera   4G   Win 10 Pro   BE HP ProBook 650 G5 i5-8265U 15.6" 16 GB 256 GB SSD FHD Webkamera 4G Win 10 Pro BE 503 EUR Refurbished HP ProBook 650 G5: Elevate Your Digital Experience with Unmatched Performance and Sustainability Unleash the power of productivity and sustainability with the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G5, a laptop that seamlessly blends cutting-edge technology with an eco-conscious design. Perfect for parents seeking the ideal device for their children, tech-savvy users, or those embracing a sustainable lifestyle. Key Features: Robust Performance: Experience unparalleled speed and efficiency with the Intel Core processor, ensuring smooth multitasking and responsive performance. Durable Design: Crafted with precision, the refurbished ProBook 650 G5 boasts a sleek aluminium chassis that not only exudes sophistication but also ensures durability for everyday use. Immersive Display: Enjoy crisp visuals on the 15.6" display, providing an immersive viewing experience for work or play. Specifications: Intel Core processor 15.6" display Aluminium chassis for durability Ample storage options Who is This Device Good For? Empower students with a reliable companion for academic pursuits. Provide older users with a user-friendly interface for seamless navigation. Choose sustainability without compromising on performance. Choose the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G5 – where performance meets sustainability for a brighter digital future, more than buying new.
HP ProBook 650 G8   i5-1145G7   15.6   16 GB   256 GB SSD   FP   Taustavalaistu näppäimistö   Win 10 Pro   DE HP ProBook 650 G8 i5-1145G7 15.6" 16 GB 256 GB SSD FP Taustavalaistu näppäimistö Win 10 Pro DE 667 EUR Refurbished HP ProBook 650 G8: Elevate Your Digital Experience with Unmatched Performance and Sustainability Unleash the power of productivity and sustainability with the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G8, a laptop that seamlessly blends cutting-edge technology with an eco-conscious design. Perfect for parents seeking the ideal device for their children, tech-savvy users, or those embracing a sustainable lifestyle. Key Features: Robust Performance: Experience unparalleled speed and efficiency with the Intel Core processor, ensuring smooth multitasking and responsive performance. Durable Design: Crafted with precision, the refurbished ProBook 650 G8 boasts a sleek aluminium chassis that not only exudes sophistication but also ensures durability for everyday use. Immersive Display: Enjoy crisp visuals on the 15.6" display, providing an immersive viewing experience for work or play. Specifications: Intel Core processor 15.6" display Aluminium chassis for durability Ample storage options Who is This Device Good For? Empower students with a reliable companion for academic pursuits. Provide older users with a user-friendly interface for seamless navigation. Choose sustainability without compromising on performance. Choose the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G8 – where performance meets sustainability for a brighter digital future, more than buying new.
HP ProBook 650 G8   i5-1145G7   15.6   16 GB   256 GB SSD   FP   Taustavalaistu näppäimistö   Win 10 Pro   DE HP ProBook 650 G8 i5-1145G7 15.6" 16 GB 256 GB SSD FP Taustavalaistu näppäimistö Win 10 Pro DE 697 EUR Refurbished HP ProBook 650 G8: Elevate Your Digital Experience with Unmatched Performance and Sustainability Unleash the power of productivity and sustainability with the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G8, a laptop that seamlessly blends cutting-edge technology with an eco-conscious design. Perfect for parents seeking the ideal device for their children, tech-savvy users, or those embracing a sustainable lifestyle. Key Features: Robust Performance: Experience unparalleled speed and efficiency with the Intel Core processor, ensuring smooth multitasking and responsive performance. Durable Design: Crafted with precision, the refurbished ProBook 650 G8 boasts a sleek aluminium chassis that not only exudes sophistication but also ensures durability for everyday use. Immersive Display: Enjoy crisp visuals on the 15.6" display, providing an immersive viewing experience for work or play. Specifications: Intel Core processor 15.6" display Aluminium chassis for durability Ample storage options Who is This Device Good For? Empower students with a reliable companion for academic pursuits. Provide older users with a user-friendly interface for seamless navigation. Choose sustainability without compromising on performance. Choose the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G8 – where performance meets sustainability for a brighter digital future, more than buying new.
HP ProBook 650 G8   i5-1145G7   15.6   16 GB   256 GB SSD   FP   Taustavalaistu näppäimistö   Win 10 Pro   DE HP ProBook 650 G8 i5-1145G7 15.6" 16 GB 256 GB SSD FP Taustavalaistu näppäimistö Win 10 Pro DE 677 EUR Refurbished HP ProBook 650 G8: Elevate Your Digital Experience with Unmatched Performance and Sustainability Unleash the power of productivity and sustainability with the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G8, a laptop that seamlessly blends cutting-edge technology with an eco-conscious design. Perfect for parents seeking the ideal device for their children, tech-savvy users, or those embracing a sustainable lifestyle. Key Features: Robust Performance: Experience unparalleled speed and efficiency with the Intel Core processor, ensuring smooth multitasking and responsive performance. Durable Design: Crafted with precision, the refurbished ProBook 650 G8 boasts a sleek aluminium chassis that not only exudes sophistication but also ensures durability for everyday use. Immersive Display: Enjoy crisp visuals on the 15.6" display, providing an immersive viewing experience for work or play. Specifications: Intel Core processor 15.6" display Aluminium chassis for durability Ample storage options Who is This Device Good For? Empower students with a reliable companion for academic pursuits. Provide older users with a user-friendly interface for seamless navigation. Choose sustainability without compromising on performance. Choose the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G8 – where performance meets sustainability for a brighter digital future, more than buying new.
HP ProBook 650 G5   i5-8265U   15.6   32 GB   256 GB SSD   FHD   Webkamera   4G   Win 10 Pro   DE HP ProBook 650 G5 i5-8265U 15.6" 32 GB 256 GB SSD FHD Webkamera 4G Win 10 Pro DE 437 EUR Refurbished HP ProBook 650 G5: Elevate Your Digital Experience with Unmatched Performance and Sustainability Unleash the power of productivity and sustainability with the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G5, a laptop that seamlessly blends cutting-edge technology with an eco-conscious design. Perfect for parents seeking the ideal device for their children, tech-savvy users, or those embracing a sustainable lifestyle. Key Features: Robust Performance: Experience unparalleled speed and efficiency with the Intel Core processor, ensuring smooth multitasking and responsive performance. Durable Design: Crafted with precision, the refurbished ProBook 650 G5 boasts a sleek aluminium chassis that not only exudes sophistication but also ensures durability for everyday use. Immersive Display: Enjoy crisp visuals on the 15.6" display, providing an immersive viewing experience for work or play. Specifications: Intel Core processor 15.6" display Aluminium chassis for durability Ample storage options Who is This Device Good For? Empower students with a reliable companion for academic pursuits. Provide older users with a user-friendly interface for seamless navigation. Choose sustainability without compromising on performance. Choose the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G5 – where performance meets sustainability for a brighter digital future, more than buying new.
HP ProBook 650 G5   i5-8265U   15.6   32 GB   256 GB SSD   FHD   Webkamera   4G   Win 10 Pro   DE HP ProBook 650 G5 i5-8265U 15.6" 32 GB 256 GB SSD FHD Webkamera 4G Win 10 Pro DE 457 EUR Refurbished HP ProBook 650 G5: Elevate Your Digital Experience with Unmatched Performance and Sustainability Unleash the power of productivity and sustainability with the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G5, a laptop that seamlessly blends cutting-edge technology with an eco-conscious design. Perfect for parents seeking the ideal device for their children, tech-savvy users, or those embracing a sustainable lifestyle. Key Features: Robust Performance: Experience unparalleled speed and efficiency with the Intel Core processor, ensuring smooth multitasking and responsive performance. Durable Design: Crafted with precision, the refurbished ProBook 650 G5 boasts a sleek aluminium chassis that not only exudes sophistication but also ensures durability for everyday use. Immersive Display: Enjoy crisp visuals on the 15.6" display, providing an immersive viewing experience for work or play. Specifications: Intel Core processor 15.6" display Aluminium chassis for durability Ample storage options Who is This Device Good For? Empower students with a reliable companion for academic pursuits. Provide older users with a user-friendly interface for seamless navigation. Choose sustainability without compromising on performance. Choose the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G5 – where performance meets sustainability for a brighter digital future, more than buying new.
HP ProBook 650 G5   i5-8265U   15.6   16 GB   512 GB SSD   FHD   Webkamera   4G   Win 10 Pro   FI HP ProBook 650 G5 i5-8265U 15.6" 16 GB 512 GB SSD FHD Webkamera 4G Win 10 Pro FI 513 EUR Refurbished HP ProBook 650 G5: Elevate Your Digital Experience with Unmatched Performance and Sustainability Unleash the power of productivity and sustainability with the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G5, a laptop that seamlessly blends cutting-edge technology with an eco-conscious design. Perfect for parents seeking the ideal device for their children, tech-savvy users, or those embracing a sustainable lifestyle. Key Features: Robust Performance: Experience unparalleled speed and efficiency with the Intel Core processor, ensuring smooth multitasking and responsive performance. Durable Design: Crafted with precision, the refurbished ProBook 650 G5 boasts a sleek aluminium chassis that not only exudes sophistication but also ensures durability for everyday use. Immersive Display: Enjoy crisp visuals on the 15.6" display, providing an immersive viewing experience for work or play. Specifications: Intel Core processor 15.6" display Aluminium chassis for durability Ample storage options Who is This Device Good For? Empower students with a reliable companion for academic pursuits. Provide older users with a user-friendly interface for seamless navigation. Choose sustainability without compromising on performance. Choose the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G5 – where performance meets sustainability for a brighter digital future, more than buying new.
HP ProBook 650 G5   i5-8265U   15.6   16 GB   512 GB SSD   FHD   Webkamera   4G   Win 10 Pro   FI HP ProBook 650 G5 i5-8265U 15.6" 16 GB 512 GB SSD FHD Webkamera 4G Win 10 Pro FI 523 EUR Refurbished HP ProBook 650 G5: Elevate Your Digital Experience with Unmatched Performance and Sustainability Unleash the power of productivity and sustainability with the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G5, a laptop that seamlessly blends cutting-edge technology with an eco-conscious design. Perfect for parents seeking the ideal device for their children, tech-savvy users, or those embracing a sustainable lifestyle. Key Features: Robust Performance: Experience unparalleled speed and efficiency with the Intel Core processor, ensuring smooth multitasking and responsive performance. Durable Design: Crafted with precision, the refurbished ProBook 650 G5 boasts a sleek aluminium chassis that not only exudes sophistication but also ensures durability for everyday use. Immersive Display: Enjoy crisp visuals on the 15.6" display, providing an immersive viewing experience for work or play. Specifications: Intel Core processor 15.6" display Aluminium chassis for durability Ample storage options Who is This Device Good For? Empower students with a reliable companion for academic pursuits. Provide older users with a user-friendly interface for seamless navigation. Choose sustainability without compromising on performance. Choose the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G5 – where performance meets sustainability for a brighter digital future, more than buying new.
HP ProBook 650 G5   i5-8265U   15.6   16 GB   512 GB SSD   FHD   Webkamera   4G   Win 10 Pro   CZ HP ProBook 650 G5 i5-8265U 15.6" 16 GB 512 GB SSD FHD Webkamera 4G Win 10 Pro CZ 513 EUR Refurbished HP ProBook 650 G5: Elevate Your Digital Experience with Unmatched Performance and Sustainability Unleash the power of productivity and sustainability with the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G5, a laptop that seamlessly blends cutting-edge technology with an eco-conscious design. Perfect for parents seeking the ideal device for their children, tech-savvy users, or those embracing a sustainable lifestyle. Key Features: Robust Performance: Experience unparalleled speed and efficiency with the Intel Core processor, ensuring smooth multitasking and responsive performance. Durable Design: Crafted with precision, the refurbished ProBook 650 G5 boasts a sleek aluminium chassis that not only exudes sophistication but also ensures durability for everyday use. Immersive Display: Enjoy crisp visuals on the 15.6" display, providing an immersive viewing experience for work or play. Specifications: Intel Core processor 15.6" display Aluminium chassis for durability Ample storage options Who is This Device Good For? Empower students with a reliable companion for academic pursuits. Provide older users with a user-friendly interface for seamless navigation. Choose sustainability without compromising on performance. Choose the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G5 – where performance meets sustainability for a brighter digital future, more than buying new.
HP ProBook 650 G5   i5-8265U   15.6   16 GB   512 GB SSD   FHD   Webkamera   4G   Win 10 Pro   CZ HP ProBook 650 G5 i5-8265U 15.6" 16 GB 512 GB SSD FHD Webkamera 4G Win 10 Pro CZ 523 EUR Refurbished HP ProBook 650 G5: Elevate Your Digital Experience with Unmatched Performance and Sustainability Unleash the power of productivity and sustainability with the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G5, a laptop that seamlessly blends cutting-edge technology with an eco-conscious design. Perfect for parents seeking the ideal device for their children, tech-savvy users, or those embracing a sustainable lifestyle. Key Features: Robust Performance: Experience unparalleled speed and efficiency with the Intel Core processor, ensuring smooth multitasking and responsive performance. Durable Design: Crafted with precision, the refurbished ProBook 650 G5 boasts a sleek aluminium chassis that not only exudes sophistication but also ensures durability for everyday use. Immersive Display: Enjoy crisp visuals on the 15.6" display, providing an immersive viewing experience for work or play. Specifications: Intel Core processor 15.6" display Aluminium chassis for durability Ample storage options Who is This Device Good For? Empower students with a reliable companion for academic pursuits. Provide older users with a user-friendly interface for seamless navigation. Choose sustainability without compromising on performance. Choose the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G5 – where performance meets sustainability for a brighter digital future, more than buying new.
HP ProBook 650 G5   i5-8265U   15.6   16 GB   256 GB SSD   FHD   Webkamera   4G   Win 10 Pro   DE HP ProBook 650 G5 i5-8265U 15.6" 16 GB 256 GB SSD FHD Webkamera 4G Win 10 Pro DE 493 EUR Refurbished HP ProBook 650 G5: Elevate Your Digital Experience with Unmatched Performance and Sustainability Unleash the power of productivity and sustainability with the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G5, a laptop that seamlessly blends cutting-edge technology with an eco-conscious design. Perfect for parents seeking the ideal device for their children, tech-savvy users, or those embracing a sustainable lifestyle. Key Features: Robust Performance: Experience unparalleled speed and efficiency with the Intel Core processor, ensuring smooth multitasking and responsive performance. Durable Design: Crafted with precision, the refurbished ProBook 650 G5 boasts a sleek aluminium chassis that not only exudes sophistication but also ensures durability for everyday use. Immersive Display: Enjoy crisp visuals on the 15.6" display, providing an immersive viewing experience for work or play. Specifications: Intel Core processor 15.6" display Aluminium chassis for durability Ample storage options Who is This Device Good For? Empower students with a reliable companion for academic pursuits. Provide older users with a user-friendly interface for seamless navigation. Choose sustainability without compromising on performance. Choose the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G5 – where performance meets sustainability for a brighter digital future, more than buying new.
HP ProBook 650 G5   i5-8265U   15.6   16 GB   256 GB SSD   FHD   Webkamera   4G   Win 10 Pro   DE HP ProBook 650 G5 i5-8265U 15.6" 16 GB 256 GB SSD FHD Webkamera 4G Win 10 Pro DE 387 EUR Refurbished HP ProBook 650 G5: Elevate Your Digital Experience with Unmatched Performance and Sustainability Unleash the power of productivity and sustainability with the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G5, a laptop that seamlessly blends cutting-edge technology with an eco-conscious design. Perfect for parents seeking the ideal device for their children, tech-savvy users, or those embracing a sustainable lifestyle. Key Features: Robust Performance: Experience unparalleled speed and efficiency with the Intel Core processor, ensuring smooth multitasking and responsive performance. Durable Design: Crafted with precision, the refurbished ProBook 650 G5 boasts a sleek aluminium chassis that not only exudes sophistication but also ensures durability for everyday use. Immersive Display: Enjoy crisp visuals on the 15.6" display, providing an immersive viewing experience for work or play. Specifications: Intel Core processor 15.6" display Aluminium chassis for durability Ample storage options Who is This Device Good For? Empower students with a reliable companion for academic pursuits. Provide older users with a user-friendly interface for seamless navigation. Choose sustainability without compromising on performance. Choose the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G5 – where performance meets sustainability for a brighter digital future, more than buying new.
HP ProBook 650 G5   i5-8265U   15.6   16 GB   256 GB SSD   FHD   Webkamera   4G   Win 10 Pro   DE HP ProBook 650 G5 i5-8265U 15.6" 16 GB 256 GB SSD FHD Webkamera 4G Win 10 Pro DE 407 EUR Refurbished HP ProBook 650 G5: Elevate Your Digital Experience with Unmatched Performance and Sustainability Unleash the power of productivity and sustainability with the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G5, a laptop that seamlessly blends cutting-edge technology with an eco-conscious design. Perfect for parents seeking the ideal device for their children, tech-savvy users, or those embracing a sustainable lifestyle. Key Features: Robust Performance: Experience unparalleled speed and efficiency with the Intel Core processor, ensuring smooth multitasking and responsive performance. Durable Design: Crafted with precision, the refurbished ProBook 650 G5 boasts a sleek aluminium chassis that not only exudes sophistication but also ensures durability for everyday use. Immersive Display: Enjoy crisp visuals on the 15.6" display, providing an immersive viewing experience for work or play. Specifications: Intel Core processor 15.6" display Aluminium chassis for durability Ample storage options Who is This Device Good For? Empower students with a reliable companion for academic pursuits. Provide older users with a user-friendly interface for seamless navigation. Choose sustainability without compromising on performance. Choose the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G5 – where performance meets sustainability for a brighter digital future, more than buying new.
HP ProBook 650 G5   i5-8265U   15.6   16 GB   512 GB SSD   FHD   Webkamera   4G   Win 10 Pro   BE HP ProBook 650 G5 i5-8265U 15.6" 16 GB 512 GB SSD FHD Webkamera 4G Win 10 Pro BE 513 EUR Refurbished HP ProBook 650 G5: Elevate Your Digital Experience with Unmatched Performance and Sustainability Unleash the power of productivity and sustainability with the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G5, a laptop that seamlessly blends cutting-edge technology with an eco-conscious design. Perfect for parents seeking the ideal device for their children, tech-savvy users, or those embracing a sustainable lifestyle. Key Features: Robust Performance: Experience unparalleled speed and efficiency with the Intel Core processor, ensuring smooth multitasking and responsive performance. Durable Design: Crafted with precision, the refurbished ProBook 650 G5 boasts a sleek aluminium chassis that not only exudes sophistication but also ensures durability for everyday use. Immersive Display: Enjoy crisp visuals on the 15.6" display, providing an immersive viewing experience for work or play. Specifications: Intel Core processor 15.6" display Aluminium chassis for durability Ample storage options Who is This Device Good For? Empower students with a reliable companion for academic pursuits. Provide older users with a user-friendly interface for seamless navigation. Choose sustainability without compromising on performance. Choose the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G5 – where performance meets sustainability for a brighter digital future, more than buying new.
HP ProBook 650 G5   i5-8265U   15.6   16 GB   512 GB SSD   FHD   Webkamera   4G   Win 10 Pro   BE HP ProBook 650 G5 i5-8265U 15.6" 16 GB 512 GB SSD FHD Webkamera 4G Win 10 Pro BE 523 EUR Refurbished HP ProBook 650 G5: Elevate Your Digital Experience with Unmatched Performance and Sustainability Unleash the power of productivity and sustainability with the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G5, a laptop that seamlessly blends cutting-edge technology with an eco-conscious design. Perfect for parents seeking the ideal device for their children, tech-savvy users, or those embracing a sustainable lifestyle. Key Features: Robust Performance: Experience unparalleled speed and efficiency with the Intel Core processor, ensuring smooth multitasking and responsive performance. Durable Design: Crafted with precision, the refurbished ProBook 650 G5 boasts a sleek aluminium chassis that not only exudes sophistication but also ensures durability for everyday use. Immersive Display: Enjoy crisp visuals on the 15.6" display, providing an immersive viewing experience for work or play. Specifications: Intel Core processor 15.6" display Aluminium chassis for durability Ample storage options Who is This Device Good For? Empower students with a reliable companion for academic pursuits. Provide older users with a user-friendly interface for seamless navigation. Choose sustainability without compromising on performance. Choose the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G5 – where performance meets sustainability for a brighter digital future, more than buying new.
HP ProBook 650 G5   i5-8265U   15.6   16 GB   256 GB SSD   FHD   Webkamera   Win 10 Pro   FI HP ProBook 650 G5 i5-8265U 15.6" 16 GB 256 GB SSD FHD Webkamera Win 10 Pro FI 503 EUR Refurbished HP ProBook 650 G5: Elevate Your Digital Experience with Unmatched Performance and Sustainability Unleash the power of productivity and sustainability with the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G5, a laptop that seamlessly blends cutting-edge technology with an eco-conscious design. Perfect for parents seeking the ideal device for their children, tech-savvy users, or those embracing a sustainable lifestyle. Key Features: Robust Performance: Experience unparalleled speed and efficiency with the Intel Core processor, ensuring smooth multitasking and responsive performance. Durable Design: Crafted with precision, the refurbished ProBook 650 G5 boasts a sleek aluminium chassis that not only exudes sophistication but also ensures durability for everyday use. Immersive Display: Enjoy crisp visuals on the 15.6" display, providing an immersive viewing experience for work or play. Specifications: Intel Core processor 15.6" display Aluminium chassis for durability Ample storage options Who is This Device Good For? Empower students with a reliable companion for academic pursuits. Provide older users with a user-friendly interface for seamless navigation. Choose sustainability without compromising on performance. Choose the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G5 – where performance meets sustainability for a brighter digital future, more than buying new.
HP ProBook 650 G5   i5-8265U   15.6   16 GB   256 GB SSD   FHD   Webkamera   Win 10 Pro   FI HP ProBook 650 G5 i5-8265U 15.6" 16 GB 256 GB SSD FHD Webkamera Win 10 Pro FI 493 EUR Refurbished HP ProBook 650 G5: Elevate Your Digital Experience with Unmatched Performance and Sustainability Unleash the power of productivity and sustainability with the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G5, a laptop that seamlessly blends cutting-edge technology with an eco-conscious design. Perfect for parents seeking the ideal device for their children, tech-savvy users, or those embracing a sustainable lifestyle. Key Features: Robust Performance: Experience unparalleled speed and efficiency with the Intel Core processor, ensuring smooth multitasking and responsive performance. Durable Design: Crafted with precision, the refurbished ProBook 650 G5 boasts a sleek aluminium chassis that not only exudes sophistication but also ensures durability for everyday use. Immersive Display: Enjoy crisp visuals on the 15.6" display, providing an immersive viewing experience for work or play. Specifications: Intel Core processor 15.6" display Aluminium chassis for durability Ample storage options Who is This Device Good For? Empower students with a reliable companion for academic pursuits. Provide older users with a user-friendly interface for seamless navigation. Choose sustainability without compromising on performance. Choose the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G5 – where performance meets sustainability for a brighter digital future, more than buying new.
HP ProBook 650 G4   i7-8550U   15.6   32 GB   256 GB SSD   Webkamera   FHD   FP   Taustavalaistu näppäimistö   Win 10 Pro   DE HP ProBook 650 G4 i7-8550U 15.6" 32 GB 256 GB SSD Webkamera FHD FP Taustavalaistu näppäimistö Win 10 Pro DE 490 EUR Refurbished HP ProBook 650 G4: Elevate Your Digital Experience with Unmatched Performance and Sustainability Unleash the power of productivity and sustainability with the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G4, a laptop that seamlessly blends cutting-edge technology with an eco-conscious design. Perfect for parents seeking the ideal device for their children, tech-savvy users, or those embracing a sustainable lifestyle. Key Features: Robust Performance: Experience unparalleled speed and efficiency with the Intel Core processor, ensuring smooth multitasking and responsive performance. Durable Design: Crafted with precision, the refurbished ProBook 650 G4 boasts a sleek aluminium chassis that not only exudes sophistication but also ensures durability for everyday use. Immersive Display: Enjoy crisp visuals on the 15.6" display, providing an immersive viewing experience for work or play. Specifications: Intel Core processor 15.6" display Aluminium chassis for durability Ample storage options Who is This Device Good For? Empower students with a reliable companion for academic pursuits. Provide older users with a user-friendly interface for seamless navigation. Choose sustainability without compromising on performance. Choose the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G4 – where performance meets sustainability for a brighter digital future, more than buying new.
HP ProBook 650 G8   i5-1145G7   15.6   32 GB   512 GB SSD   FP   Taustavalaistu näppäimistö   Win 10 Pro   DE HP ProBook 650 G8 i5-1145G7 15.6" 32 GB 512 GB SSD FP Taustavalaistu näppäimistö Win 10 Pro DE 715 EUR Refurbished HP ProBook 650 G8: Elevate Your Digital Experience with Unmatched Performance and Sustainability Unleash the power of productivity and sustainability with the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G8, a laptop that seamlessly blends cutting-edge technology with an eco-conscious design. Perfect for parents seeking the ideal device for their children, tech-savvy users, or those embracing a sustainable lifestyle. Key Features: Robust Performance: Experience unparalleled speed and efficiency with the Intel Core processor, ensuring smooth multitasking and responsive performance. Durable Design: Crafted with precision, the refurbished ProBook 650 G8 boasts a sleek aluminium chassis that not only exudes sophistication but also ensures durability for everyday use. Immersive Display: Enjoy crisp visuals on the 15.6" display, providing an immersive viewing experience for work or play. Specifications: Intel Core processor 15.6" display Aluminium chassis for durability Ample storage options Who is This Device Good For? Empower students with a reliable companion for academic pursuits. Provide older users with a user-friendly interface for seamless navigation. Choose sustainability without compromising on performance. Choose the completely renewed HP ProBook 650 G8 – where performance meets sustainability for a brighter digital future, more than buying new.