Haglöfs Tarius +1 Midnight blue/Tangerine - Size: 190L

149 EUR Tutki yksityiskohtaista korttia, joka on täynnä täydellisiä tietoja, vertaa hintoja ja tunnista Haglöfs Tarius +1 Midnight blue/Tangerine - Size: 190L:n ominaisuudet, saatavilla hinnalla 149 EUR; se kuuluu kategoriaan Ulkoliikunta & urheilu luonnossa; myyjä on Haglofs.com ja valmistaja on Haglöfs.

Monikäyttöinen makuupussi, jonka mukavuus ja lämpö mahdollistavat hyvät yöunet ja jossa on runsaasti kantamista ja käyttöä tukevia ominaisuuksia. Täydellinen reppureissaamiseen, vaellukselle ja matkoille – synteettinen eriste toimii hyvin myös kosteissa olosuhteissa. Saatavana useille lämpötilatasoille, joista voit valita omaan seikkailuusi sopivimman.

EAN: 7318841251752
Toimituskulut: 0 EUR
Saatavuus: in stock
Toimitusaika: 1-4
Kunto: new

Vastaavien tuotteiden vertailu

Haglöfs Tarius Lite +8 Midnight blue/Tangerine  - Size: 190L Haglöfs Tarius Lite +8 Midnight blue/Tangerine - Size: 190L 129 EUR Tämä makuupussi sopii kesäöihin, lämpimiin oloihin ja mökkeilyyn. Kevyt makuupussi menee pieneen tilaan, ilman kompressiota 4 litraan. Sen eristeenä on Tri-Fusion®-kuitusekoite, joka lämmittää tehokkaasti ja menee pieneen tilaan. Pussin yksityiskohdat lisäävät käyttömukavuutta ja kestävyyttä ja helpottavat sen kantamista ja käyttöä.
Haglöfs Tarius +6 Midnight blue/Tangerine  - Size: 190L Haglöfs Tarius +6 Midnight blue/Tangerine - Size: 190L 139 EUR Monikäyttöinen makuupussi, jonka mukavuus ja lämpö mahdollistavat hyvät yöunet ja jossa on runsaasti kantamista ja käyttöä tukevia ominaisuuksia. Tarius-makuupussi sopii monenlaisiin aktiviteetteihin. Saatavana useille lämpötilatasoille, joista voit valita omaan seikkailuusi sopivimman. Se on valmistettu itse kehittämästämme synteettisestä Tri-Fusion-täytteestä, joka eristää erinomaisesti keveässäkin pussissa
Haglöfs Tarius +1 Midnight blue/Tangerine  - Size: 205L Haglöfs Tarius +1 Midnight blue/Tangerine - Size: 205L 149 EUR Monikäyttöinen makuupussi, jonka mukavuus ja lämpö mahdollistavat hyvät yöunet ja jossa on runsaasti kantamista ja käyttöä tukevia ominaisuuksia. Täydellinen reppureissaamiseen, vaellukselle ja matkoille – synteettinen eriste toimii hyvin myös kosteissa olosuhteissa. Saatavana useille lämpötilatasoille, joista voit valita omaan seikkailuusi sopivimman.
Haglöfs Tarius +6 Midnight blue/Tangerine  - Size: 205L Haglöfs Tarius +6 Midnight blue/Tangerine - Size: 205L 139 EUR Monikäyttöinen makuupussi, jonka mukavuus ja lämpö mahdollistavat hyvät yöunet ja jossa on runsaasti kantamista ja käyttöä tukevia ominaisuuksia. Tarius-makuupussi sopii monenlaisiin aktiviteetteihin. Saatavana useille lämpötilatasoille, joista voit valita omaan seikkailuusi sopivimman. Se on valmistettu itse kehittämästämme synteettisestä Tri-Fusion-täytteestä, joka eristää erinomaisesti keveässäkin pussissa
Haglöfs Moonlite -1 Tangerine/Gravel grey  - Size: 190L Haglöfs Moonlite -1 Tangerine/Gravel grey - Size: 190L 139 EUR Monikäyttöinen ja miellyttävä makuupussi sopii yöpymiseen jonkinlaisen katon alla. Se on suunniteltu miellyttäväksi ja tilavaksi kämpässä tai kesällä ulkosalla yöpymiseen. Täytteenä on itse kehittämämme synteettinen Air-Fill®-eriste, jonka avulla pysyt lämpimänä kosteissakin olosuhteissa.
Haglöfs Moonlite +7 Tangerine/Gravel grey  - Size: 190L Haglöfs Moonlite +7 Tangerine/Gravel grey - Size: 190L 119 EUR Monikäyttöinen ja miellyttävä makuupussi sopii yöpymiseen jonkinlaisen katon alla. Se on suunniteltu miellyttäväksi ja tilavaksi kämpässä tai kesällä ulkosalla yöpymiseen. Täytteenä on itse kehittämämme synteettinen Air-Fill®-eriste, jonka avulla pysyt lämpimänä kosteissakin olosuhteissa.
Haglöfs Lava 50 Nordic Blue  - Size: 1-SIZE Haglöfs Lava 50 Nordic Blue - Size: 1-SIZE 109 EUR Luotettava ja tilava duffelilaukku, jolla on monta kantotapaa. Mukana suuri laukkutila, vetoketjullinen sisäinen asiakirjatasku ja toinen vetoketjulokero, joka toimii myös säilytystaskuna laukulle. Mukavien ja säädettävien olkaremmien sekä kanto- ja nostokahvojen ansiosta kantotapoja on monia.
Osprey Talon 11 Backpack Ceramic Blue - Valkoinen - Size: S M L XL - Gender: men Osprey Talon 11 Backpack Ceramic Blue - Valkoinen - Size: S M L XL - Gender: men 135 EUR Materiaalina nyloni, joka on 1000-denier. Pohja ja vahvistukset nylonista, joka on 420-denier. Yhteensopiva Ospreyn Hydraulics™-nestejärjestelmän kanssa. Ulkopinnalla DWR-pinnoite. Ulkopuolella kiinnitys kypärälle. Kiristysnyöri päälokerossa. Sisäpuolella vetoketjullinen lokero. Ulkotasku kannessa, jossa vetoketjullinen tasku. Kaksi sivutaskua juomapullolle. Laukun edessä kiristysnyöri säilytykseen. Kaksi vetoketjullista taskua lantiovyöllä. Kiinnitys vaellussauvoille. Hengittävää materiaalia olevat olkaimet, joissa lenkkejä ja kaksi lokeroa. Painettu logo etupuolella. Paino: 900 g.
Tiger of Sweden Pistolero Jeans Midnight Blue - Beige - Size: S M L - Gender: men Tiger of Sweden Pistolero Jeans Midnight Blue - Beige - Size: S M L - Gender: men 160 EUR Valmistettu puuvillasta ja elastaanista. Viisitaskumalli. Kangasmerkki logolla edessä. Paperimerkki logolla takana vyötärökaitaleella. Keskitumma pesu. Vetoketjusepalus
Scandinavian Edition Loft Waterproof Padded Coat Midnight Blue - Ruskea - Size: XS S M L XL XXL - Gender: men Scandinavian Edition Loft Waterproof Padded Coat Midnight Blue - Ruskea - Size: XS S M L XL XXL - Gender: men 600 EUR Vedenpitävä päällyskangas. Suljetaan kaksisuuntaisella vetoketjulla sekä napeilla. Kaksi vetoketjullista etutaskua Kaksi povitaskua, jossa toisessa vetoketju. Metallilaatta logolla vasemmassa hihassa. Resorit hihansuissa. Varustettu kahdella 3M heijastinnauhalla, joka kiinnitetään neppareilla takin sisäpuolelle. Hupussa kiristysnyöri.
Oscar Jacobson Reg Fit Wide Spread C Dark Indigo Midnight Blue - Sininen - Size: S M XL - Gender: men Oscar Jacobson Reg Fit Wide Spread C Dark Indigo Midnight Blue - Sininen - Size: S M XL - Gender: men 130 EUR Valmistettu puuvillasta. Täysin auki oleva haikaulus. Yksi rintatasku miehustassa. Mansetin kokoa voi säätää kahdella napilla.
Haglöfs Musca -1 Midnight blue/Mint  - Size: 175L Haglöfs Musca -1 Midnight blue/Mint - Size: 175L 139 EUR Lämmin, monikäyttöinen makuupussi kaikilla retkeillessä hyviin yöuniin tarvittavilla ominaisuuksilla. Pussi on suunniteltu erityisen lämpimäksi rinnan ja jalkojen kohdalta ja tiukemmaksi hartioiden kohdalta, jotta se istuu paremmin naisille tai siroille henkilöille. Pussia löytyy eri lämpötilatasoille. Makuupussi on täytetty itse kehittämällämme synteettisellä Tri-Fusion-täytteellä, joka eristää erinomaisesti keveässäkin pussissa.
Scandinavian Edition Town II Waterproof Lightweight Coat Midnight Blue - Valkoinen - Size: S M L XL XXL - Gender: men Scandinavian Edition Town II Waterproof Lightweight Coat Midnight Blue - Valkoinen - Size: S M L XL XXL - Gender: men 600 EUR Tuulen- ja vedenpitävä takki hyvällä hengittävyydellä. Vuori polyamidista. Teipatut, vedenpitävät saumat. Neljään suuntaan joustava. Aine lämpötiloille 0 °C - -5 °C. Kaksi etutaskua vetoketjulla. Kaksi povitaskua. Metallilaatta logolla vasemmassa hihassa. Suljetaan vetoketjulla.
Haglöfs Musca -13 Midnight blue/Mint  - Size: 175L Haglöfs Musca -13 Midnight blue/Mint - Size: 175L 179 EUR Lämmin, monikäyttöinen makuupussi kaikilla retkeillessä hyviin yöuniin tarvittavilla ominaisuuksilla. Pussi on suunniteltu erityisen lämpimäksi rinnan ja jalkojen kohdalta ja tiukemmaksi hartioiden kohdalta, jotta se istuu paremmin naisille tai siroille henkilöille. Pussia löytyy eri lämpötilatasoille. Makuupussi on täytetty itse kehittämällämme synteettisellä Tri-Fusion-täytteellä, joka eristää erinomaisesti keveässäkin pussissa.
Haglöfs Musca -5 Midnight blue/Mint  - Size: 175L Haglöfs Musca -5 Midnight blue/Mint - Size: 175L 159 EUR Lämmin, monikäyttöinen makuupussi kaikilla retkeillessä hyviin yöuniin tarvittavilla ominaisuuksilla. Pussi on suunniteltu erityisen lämpimäksi rinnan ja jalkojen kohdalta ja tiukemmaksi hartioiden kohdalta, jotta se istuu paremmin naisille tai siroille henkilöille. Pussia löytyy eri lämpötilatasoille. Makuupussi on täytetty itse kehittämällämme synteettisellä Tri-Fusion-täytteellä, joka eristää erinomaisesti keveässäkin pussissa.
Haglöfs Tight Medium True Black  - Size: 1-SIZE Haglöfs Tight Medium True Black - Size: 1-SIZE 99.9 EUR Tight-repun uudessa sukupolvessa kierrätysmateriaalit yhdistyvät erottuvaan, ikoniseen muotoiluun. Pisaranmuotoisten etu- ja sivupaneelien ansiosta painopiste on matalalla, mikä tekee repusta moneen aktiviteettiin sopivan. Nimensä mukaisesti se istuu tiukasti selässä muotoiltujen olkaremmien ja ergonomisen selkäpaneelin ansiosta. Repussa on lisäkiinnityspisteitä ja nerokkaita yksityiskohtia.
Haglöfs Tight  X-Small True black/Nordic blue  - Size: 1-SIZE Haglöfs Tight X-Small True black/Nordic blue - Size: 1-SIZE 79.9 EUR Tight-repun uudessa sukupolvessa kierrätysmateriaalit yhdistyvät erottuvaan, ikoniseen muotoiluun. Pisaranmuotoisten etu- ja sivupaneelien ansiosta painopiste on matalalla, mikä tekee repusta moneen aktiviteettiin sopivan. Nimensä mukaisesti se istuu tiukasti selässä muotoiltujen olkaremmien ja ergonomisen selkäpaneelin ansiosta. Repussa on lisäkiinnityspisteitä ja nerokkaita yksityiskohtia.
Haglöfs Mirre Headband Nordic Blue  - Size: 1-SIZE Haglöfs Mirre Headband Nordic Blue - Size: 1-SIZE 32.93 EUR Aiotko vaeltamaan? Muista ottaa mukaan luotettava kosteudensäätelyasuste. Tämä otsapanta toimii tehokkaasti vaarantamatta tyyliäsi. Se on valmistettu miellyttävästä 100-prosenttisesti kierrätetystä joustokankaasta, joka kuivuu nopeasti. Sopii erinomaisesti kaikenlaiseen ulkoiluun, jossa on pidettävä hiki ja hiukset poissa tieltä.
Haglöfs Stretch Webbing Belt Tarn Blue  - Size: 1-SIZE Haglöfs Stretch Webbing Belt Tarn Blue - Size: 1-SIZE 44.9 EUR Joustava puuvillantuntuinen nauhakudosvyö metallisoljella ja metallipäätteillä. Vankassa soljessa Haglöfsin logo. Estää housuja putoamasta.
Haglöfs Corker 20 True Black  - Size: 1-SIZE Haglöfs Corker 20 True Black - Size: 1-SIZE 109 EUR Innovatiivisesti suunniteltu, korkealaatuinen ja erottuva päiväreppu, joka on valmistettu kierrätetyistä kankaista ja antaa hyvän suojan matkoilla sekä kaupunkiin että maaseudulle. Corkerin sisältöön pääsee käsiksi älykkään, suuren sivupaneelin kautta. Sen avulla näet helposti, mitä repussa on. Vankka lokerorakenne pitää repun ryhdikkäänä.
Haglöfs Corker 15 True black  - Size: 1-SIZE Haglöfs Corker 15 True black - Size: 1-SIZE 89.9 EUR Innovatiivisesti suunniteltu, korkealaatuinen ja erottuva päiväreppu, joka on valmistettu kierrätetyistä kankaista ja antaa hyvän suojan matkoilla sekä kaupunkiin että maaseudulle. Corkerin sisältöön pääsee käsiksi älykkään, suuren sivupaneelin kautta. Sen avulla näet helposti, mitä repussa on. Vankka lokerorakenne pitää repun ryhdikkäänä.
FALKE Ski Socks SK2 Wool Children's Size 23-38, Black Blue Many Other Colours, Thick Reinforced Ski Socks without Pattern with Medium Padding, Knee High and Warm for Skiing 1 Pair., 23-26 FALKE Ski Socks SK2 Wool Children's Size 23-38, Black Blue Many Other Colours, Thick Reinforced Ski Socks without Pattern with Medium Padding, Knee High and Warm for Skiing 1 Pair., 23-26 19.26 EUR Falke thermal socks made of pleasantly soft wool without motif; colourful; keep the feet warm; reinforced, breathable, lined, high-quality, warming and suitable for any ski boot; warm thermal socks made of merino wool with inner terry cloth, padding; all-rounder ski socks with elastic cuff for skiing, sizes 23-38. Thermal socks for leisure skiers, for school, cycling, outdoor sports as well as for rubber boots; sock padded with elastic cuff and terry cloth does not press through flat seam on the toes; ideal knee socks with medium padding for good protection and balanced shoe contact, no wet feet in winter; ski socks for small children, children, boys, girls and teenagers. Falke SK2 ski socks children's socks and boot socks are high, long and lint-free. The fit and colour of the mountain socks are retained even after repeated washing. These children's socks can be washed at 30 °C on a wool cycle. Material composition of socks and winter socks: 45 % polypropylene, 20 % polyacrylic, 20 % wool, 15 % polyamide. Falke SK2 Children’s Ski Socks, model number: 11432.
FALKE Ski Socks SK2 Wool Men's Size 1, Black Blue Many Other Colours, Thick Reinforced Ski Socks without Pattern with Medium Padding, Knee High and Warm for Skiing 1 Pair FALKE Ski Socks SK2 Wool Men's Size 1, Black Blue Many Other Colours, Thick Reinforced Ski Socks without Pattern with Medium Padding, Knee High and Warm for Skiing 1 Pair 27.89 EUR Thermal socks made of pleasantly soft wool without motif and colourful keep the foot warm; reinforced, breathable, lined, high-quality, warming and suitable for any ski boot; warm thermal socks made of merino wool with inner terry cloth, padding; all-rounder ski socks with rubber waistband for skiing from Falke in sizes 35-42. Opaque thermal socks for leisure skiers, at work, hunting, fishing, cycling, outdoor sports as well as for rubber boots; sock padded with elastic waistband and terry cloth does not press through flat seam on the toes; ideal knee socks with medium padding for high protection and balanced shoe contact without wet feet for winter; ski socks for women, girls and teenagers. Falke SK2 women’s trekking socks and boot socks are high, long and lint-free. The fit and colour of the mountain socks are retained even after repeated washing. These women's socks can be washed at 30°C on a wool cycle. Material composition of the stockings and winter socks: 45% polypropylene, 25% polyacrylic, 20% wool, 10% polyamide. Model number of Falke women's SK2 wool socks: 16523 Sizes: 35-36, 37-38, 39-40, 41-42.
FALKE Soft Merino Virgin Wool Cotton Socks, Warm and Thick Women’s Plain, Reinforced Socks for Cold Days, Breathable, Black/Blue/Many Other Colours, 1 Pair EU Size 35-42 (Softmerino W So-47488) Black (Black 3009) Plain Blickdicht, size: 39-40 FALKE Soft Merino Virgin Wool Cotton Socks, Warm and Thick Women’s Plain, Reinforced Socks for Cold Days, Breathable, Black/Blue/Many Other Colours, 1 Pair EU Size 35-42 (Softmerino W So-47488) Black (Black 3009) Plain Blickdicht, size: 39-40 12.65 EUR 1 pair of merino wool/cotton blend socks, ideal for any look. Thermal: Merino wool blend outer layer provides temperature regulation making it ideal for colder days. Comfortable: Inner cotton layer, skin-friendly, optimal Falke fit. High quality: Fat toe seam for best comfort, reinforced stress zones on heel, ball of foot and toe for optimal durability. Easy to clean: Machine wash cold, do not tumble dry.
FALKE Women's Leggings Pure Matt 50 Denier Size S L Black Blue Many Other Colours Women's Leggings Light Opaque without Pattern Tight Thin and Semi Transparent for a Skirt or Dress 1 Piece (Pure Matt 50 Den W Le) Blue (Marine 6179), size: s FALKE Women's Leggings Pure Matt 50 Denier Size S L Black Blue Many Other Colours Women's Leggings Light Opaque without Pattern Tight Thin and Semi Transparent for a Skirt or Dress 1 Piece (Pure Matt 50 Den W Le) Blue (Marine 6179), size: s 19.94 EUR Leggings with a comfortable waistband and soft material; elegant, fine, ankle-length, matt, non-slip, non-shiny and suitable for shoes such as ballerinas, trainers or pumps; matte women's leggings from FALKE in sizes S - XL. FALKE Pure Matte 50 denier leggings are refined and elegant; fit and colour are retained even after repeated washing; these women's leggings can be washed at 30 °C on a gentle cycle. Long plain leggings, elastic and comfortable for ballet, carnival, everyday wear and leisure. The leggings do not press on the stomach; 7/8 leggings for summer and spring; leggings long for women, girls and teenagers. Material composition of the leggings: 91 % polyamide, 9 % elastane. Model number of FALKE women's pure matte 50 denier leggings: 40789.
FALKE Men's Swing Doppelpack Calf Socks, Blue (Darknavy 6370), 9/11 (Manufacturer size: 43-46) FALKE Men's Swing Doppelpack Calf Socks, Blue (Darknavy 6370), 9/11 (Manufacturer size: 43-46) 16.74 EUR Men's socks for everyday use in a large pack made of pleasantly soft cotton without motif; reinforced, high-quality, plain and suitable for any shoe; cotton socks in a double pack of FALKE Opaque, plain summer socks for work, business with suit or for leisure, in everyday life in a multiple pack; sock does not press through flat seam on the toes; ideal item for summer and winter; half socks for men, boys and teenagers as a gift for Christmas, Easter, Father's Day or birthday In order to maintain the fit and colour after repeated washing, we recommend washing the item at 40 °C Special knitting processes, with gender-specific proportions of the toe as well as the footbed, ensure wrinkle-free, non-slip fit, protection against pressure points and a long service life Model Number:14633;Sizes 6 9 9 11 12 The family business Falke, founded in 1895, stands on a firm foundation of values: unconditional quality, highest craftsmanship and modern, innovative items for every generation
FALKE Ski Socks SK2 Wool Children's Size 23-38, Black Blue Many Other Colours, Thick Reinforced Ski Socks without Pattern with Medium Padding, Knee High and Warm for Skiing 1 Pair., 23-26 FALKE Ski Socks SK2 Wool Children's Size 23-38, Black Blue Many Other Colours, Thick Reinforced Ski Socks without Pattern with Medium Padding, Knee High and Warm for Skiing 1 Pair., 23-26 18.94 EUR Falke thermal socks made of pleasantly soft wool without motif; colourful; keep the feet warm; reinforced, breathable, lined, high-quality, warming and suitable for any ski boot; warm thermal socks made of merino wool with inner terry cloth, padding; all-rounder ski socks with elastic cuff for skiing, sizes 23-38. Thermal socks for leisure skiers, for school, cycling, outdoor sports as well as for rubber boots; sock padded with elastic cuff and terry cloth does not press through flat seam on the toes; ideal knee socks with medium padding for good protection and balanced shoe contact, no wet feet in winter; ski socks for small children, children, boys, girls and teenagers. Falke SK2 ski socks children's socks and boot socks are high, long and lint-free. The fit and colour of the mountain socks are retained even after repeated washing. These children's socks can be washed at 30 °C on a wool cycle. Material composition of socks and winter socks: 45 % polypropylene, 20 % polyacrylic, 20 % wool, 15 % polyamide. Falke SK2 Children’s Ski Socks, model number: 11432.
FALKE Ski Socks SK2 Wool Children's Size 23-38, Black Blue Many Other Colours, Thick Reinforced Ski Socks without Pattern with Medium Padding, Knee High and Warm for Skiing 1 Pair. FALKE Ski Socks SK2 Wool Children's Size 23-38, Black Blue Many Other Colours, Thick Reinforced Ski Socks without Pattern with Medium Padding, Knee High and Warm for Skiing 1 Pair. 18.89 EUR Falke thermal socks made of pleasantly soft wool without motif; colourful; keep the feet warm; reinforced, breathable, lined, high-quality, warming and suitable for any ski boot; warm thermal socks made of merino wool with inner terry cloth, padding; all-rounder ski socks with elastic cuff for skiing, sizes 23-38. Thermal socks for leisure skiers, for school, cycling, outdoor sports as well as for rubber boots; sock padded with elastic cuff and terry cloth does not press through flat seam on the toes; ideal knee socks with medium padding for good protection and balanced shoe contact, no wet feet in winter; ski socks for small children, children, boys, girls and teenagers. Falke SK2 ski socks children's socks and boot socks are high, long and lint-free. The fit and colour of the mountain socks are retained even after repeated washing. These children's socks can be washed at 30 °C on a wool cycle. Material composition of socks and winter socks: 45 % polypropylene, 20 % polyacrylic, 20 % wool, 15 % polyamide. Falke SK2 Children’s Ski Socks, model number: 11432.
FALKE Women Warm Deluxe 80 denier tights, 1 pair, Size L, Blue, polyamide mix Warm opaque tights with velvety finish FALKE Women Warm Deluxe 80 denier tights, 1 pair, Size L, Blue, polyamide mix Warm opaque tights with velvety finish 23.9 EUR Thermal tights with comfortable waistband and soft material; opaque, high-quality, festive and suitable for shoes such as boots or pumps; opaque, matte tights from FALKE Opaque, plain tights fine mesh for weddings, fancy dress, ballet, office or business; these tights do not press through flat seam on the toes; ideal item in 80 denier for winter and spring; women's tights for women, girls and teenagers also for communion or confirmation In order to maintain the fit and colour after repeated washing, we recommend washing the item at 30 °C on a gentle cycle Special knitting processes result in a fine stitch pattern, the unreinforced toe seam and toe reinforcement prevent running stitches and the seamless heel provides elegance even in open shoes Model number FALKE Women's Warm Deluxe 80 Denier Tights 40112; Sizes: S (DE 36 38), S M (DE 38 40), M (DE 40 42), M L (DE 42 44), L (DE 44 46), XL (DE 48 50) The family business Falke, founded in 1895, stands on a firm foundation of values: unconditional quality, highest craftsmanship and modern, innovative items for every generation
FALKE Kids Comfort Wool socks, 1 pair, UK size 3-5 (EU 35-38), Blue, virgin wool mix Warm wool on the outside, soft cotton on the inside FALKE Kids Comfort Wool socks, 1 pair, UK size 3-5 (EU 35-38), Blue, virgin wool mix Warm wool on the outside, soft cotton on the inside 9.29 EUR Thick socks made of soft material for every day made of pleasantly soft wool and cotton without motif; winter socks long, reinforced, high-quality, plain, thermal socks suitable for any shoes such as boots, trainers, low shoes and trainers; 1 pair of cotton socks from FALKE Opaque stockings for running, outdoors, leisure and every day; knitted socks do not press through flat seams on the toes; ideal item for autumn and winter as a gift for Christmas, Easter or birthday; socks for boys, girls, toddlers and teenagers To maintain the fit and colour after repeated washing, we recommend washing the item on a wool cycle Special knitting processes adapted to the footbed of your little ones, ensure a non-slip fit, wrinkle-free fit with high wearing comfort, long durability and protect against pressure points Model Number:10488; Sizes: 19 22 (1 2 Years), 23 26 (2 3 Years), 27 30 (3 6 Years), 31 34 (7 9 Years), 35 38 (9 12 Years), 39 42 (13 16 Years); This product was designed on According to Standard 100 by Oeko-Tex 96.0.9647 Hohenstein HTTI The family business Falke, founded in 1895, stands on a firm foundation of values: unconditional quality, highest craftsmanship and modern, innovative items for every generation
FALKE Kids Comfort Wool socks, 1 pair, UK size 12-2.5 (EU 31-34), Blue, virgin wool mix Warm wool on the outside, soft cotton on the inside FALKE Kids Comfort Wool socks, 1 pair, UK size 12-2.5 (EU 31-34), Blue, virgin wool mix Warm wool on the outside, soft cotton on the inside 10.97 EUR Thick socks made of soft material for every day made of pleasantly soft wool and cotton without motif; winter socks long, reinforced, high-quality, plain, thermal socks suitable for any shoes such as boots, trainers, low shoes and trainers; 1 pair of cotton socks from FALKE Opaque stockings for running, outdoors, leisure and every day; knitted socks do not press through flat seams on the toes; ideal item for autumn and winter as a gift for Christmas, Easter or birthday; socks for boys, girls, toddlers and teenagers To maintain the fit and colour after repeated washing, we recommend washing the item on a wool cycle Special knitting processes adapted to the footbed of your little ones, ensure a non-slip fit, wrinkle-free fit with high wearing comfort, long durability and protect against pressure points Model Number:10488; Sizes: 19 22 (1 2 Years), 23 26 (2 3 Years), 27 30 (3 6 Years), 31 34 (7 9 Years), 35 38 (9 12 Years), 39 42 (13 16 Years); This product was designed on According to Standard 100 by Oeko-Tex 96.0.9647 Hohenstein HTTI The family business Falke, founded in 1895, stands on a firm foundation of values: unconditional quality, highest craftsmanship and modern, innovative items for every generation
FALKE Kids Comfort Wool socks, 1 pair, UK size 5.5-8 (EU 39-42), Blue, virgin wool mix Warm wool on the outside, soft cotton on the inside FALKE Kids Comfort Wool socks, 1 pair, UK size 5.5-8 (EU 39-42), Blue, virgin wool mix Warm wool on the outside, soft cotton on the inside 11 EUR Thick socks made of soft material for every day made of pleasantly soft wool and cotton without motif; winter socks long, reinforced, high-quality, plain, thermal socks suitable for any shoes such as boots, trainers, low shoes and trainers; 1 pair of cotton socks from FALKE Opaque stockings for running, outdoors, leisure and every day; knitted socks do not press through flat seams on the toes; ideal item for autumn and winter as a gift for Christmas, Easter or birthday; socks for boys, girls, toddlers and teenagers To maintain the fit and colour after repeated washing, we recommend washing the item on a wool cycle Special knitting processes adapted to the footbed of your little ones, ensure a non-slip fit, wrinkle-free fit with high wearing comfort, long durability and protect against pressure points Model Number:10488; Sizes: 19 22 (1 2 Years), 23 26 (2 3 Years), 27 30 (3 6 Years), 31 34 (7 9 Years), 35 38 (9 12 Years), 39 42 (13 16 Years); This product was designed on According to Standard 100 by Oeko-Tex 96.0.9647 Hohenstein HTTI The family business Falke, founded in 1895, stands on a firm foundation of values: unconditional quality, highest craftsmanship and modern, innovative items for every generation
FALKE House Socks Home Pads Cotton Wool Size 35-50 Men Black Grey Many Other Colours Reinforced Hut Socks Without Pattern Breathable Pimple Print Non-Slip on the Sole 1 Pair (Homepads M Hp) Blue (Marine 6120) Plain Blickdicht, size: 35-38 FALKE House Socks Home Pads Cotton Wool Size 35-50 Men Black Grey Many Other Colours Reinforced Hut Socks Without Pattern Breathable Pimple Print Non-Slip on the Sole 1 Pair (Homepads M Hp) Blue (Marine 6120) Plain Blickdicht, size: 35-38 18.95 EUR Thick socks made of soft cotton with inner plush; thick, plain, long and with nubs on the sole for better grip; nub socks for home, relaxing, hospital, hotel or travel; 1 pair of cuddly socks from Falke in single pack in sizes 35-50; men's slippers for men, boys and teenagers Thermal socks opaque, warm, fluffy, cuddly, comfortable and high-quality are perfect as a gift for Christmas, birthday, Father's Day or Easter; socks with silicone nubs can be used as slippers and slippers and are completely closed; ideal slippers for autumn, winter and cold seasons Falke Homepads slippers are half-height and lint-free. Slippers please buy one size larger than the normal shoe size. Fit and colour are retained even after repeated washing. These children's socks can be washed at 30 °C on a wool cycle Material composition of the slipper shoes: 70% cotton, 18% wool, 11% polyamide, 1% elastane Model number Falke men's home pads house socks: 16500
FALKE Kids Comfort Wool socks, 1 pair, UK size 6-8.5 (EU 23-26), Blue, virgin wool mix Warm wool on the outside, soft cotton on the inside FALKE Kids Comfort Wool socks, 1 pair, UK size 6-8.5 (EU 23-26), Blue, virgin wool mix Warm wool on the outside, soft cotton on the inside 11 EUR Thick socks made of soft material for every day made of pleasantly soft wool and cotton without motif; winter socks long, reinforced, high-quality, plain, thermal socks suitable for any shoes such as boots, trainers, low shoes and trainers; 1 pair of cotton socks from FALKE Opaque stockings for running, outdoors, leisure and every day; knitted socks do not press through flat seams on the toes; ideal item for autumn and winter as a gift for Christmas, Easter or birthday; socks for boys, girls, toddlers and teenagers To maintain the fit and colour after repeated washing, we recommend washing the item on a wool cycle Special knitting processes adapted to the footbed of your little ones, ensure a non-slip fit, wrinkle-free fit with high wearing comfort, long durability and protect against pressure points Model Number:10488; Sizes: 19 22 (1 2 Years), 23 26 (2 3 Years), 27 30 (3 6 Years), 31 34 (7 9 Years), 35 38 (9 12 Years), 39 42 (13 16 Years); This product was designed on According to Standard 100 by Oeko-Tex 96.0.9647 Hohenstein HTTI The family business Falke, founded in 1895, stands on a firm foundation of values: unconditional quality, highest craftsmanship and modern, innovative items for every generation
FALKE House Socks Home Pads Cotton Wool Size 35-50 Men Black Grey Many Other Colours Reinforced Hut Socks Without Pattern Breathable Pimple Print Non-Slip on the Sole 1 Pair (Homepads M Hp) Blue (Marine 6120) Plain Blickdicht, size: 43-46 FALKE House Socks Home Pads Cotton Wool Size 35-50 Men Black Grey Many Other Colours Reinforced Hut Socks Without Pattern Breathable Pimple Print Non-Slip on the Sole 1 Pair (Homepads M Hp) Blue (Marine 6120) Plain Blickdicht, size: 43-46 18.95 EUR Thick socks made of soft cotton with inner plush; thick, plain, long and with nubs on the sole for better grip; nub socks for home, relaxing, hospital, hotel or travel; 1 pair of cuddly socks from Falke in single pack in sizes 35-50; men's slippers for men, boys and teenagers Thermal socks opaque, warm, fluffy, cuddly, comfortable and high-quality are perfect as a gift for Christmas, birthday, Father's Day or Easter; socks with silicone nubs can be used as slippers and slippers and are completely closed; ideal slippers for autumn, winter and cold seasons Falke Homepads slippers are half-height and lint-free. Slippers please buy one size larger than the normal shoe size. Fit and colour are retained even after repeated washing. These children's socks can be washed at 30 °C on a wool cycle Material composition of the slipper shoes: 70% cotton, 18% wool, 11% polyamide, 1% elastane Model number Falke men's home pads house socks: 16500
FALKE House Socks Home Pads Cotton Wool Size 35-50 Men Black Grey Many Other Colours Reinforced Hut Socks Without Pattern Breathable Pimple Print Non-Slip on the Sole 1 Pair (Homepads M Hp) Blue (Marine 6120) Plain Blickdicht, size: 39-42 FALKE House Socks Home Pads Cotton Wool Size 35-50 Men Black Grey Many Other Colours Reinforced Hut Socks Without Pattern Breathable Pimple Print Non-Slip on the Sole 1 Pair (Homepads M Hp) Blue (Marine 6120) Plain Blickdicht, size: 39-42 18.95 EUR Thick socks made of soft cotton with inner plush; thick, plain, long and with nubs on the sole for better grip; nub socks for home, relaxing, hospital, hotel or travel; 1 pair of cuddly socks from Falke in single pack in sizes 35-50; men's slippers for men, boys and teenagers Thermal socks opaque, warm, fluffy, cuddly, comfortable and high-quality are perfect as a gift for Christmas, birthday, Father's Day or Easter; socks with silicone nubs can be used as slippers and slippers and are completely closed; ideal slippers for autumn, winter and cold seasons Falke Homepads slippers are half-height and lint-free. Slippers please buy one size larger than the normal shoe size. Fit and colour are retained even after repeated washing. These children's socks can be washed at 30 °C on a wool cycle Material composition of the slipper shoes: 70% cotton, 18% wool, 11% polyamide, 1% elastane Model number Falke men's home pads house socks: 16500
FALKE Men Milano knee-highs, 1 pair, UK size 5.5-6.5 (EU 39-40), Blue, cotton mix Mercerised cotton, ribbed structure, ideal for business looks FALKE Men Milano knee-highs, 1 pair, UK size 5.5-6.5 (EU 39-40), Blue, cotton mix Mercerised cotton, ribbed structure, ideal for business looks 24 EUR Knee-high men's socks for everyday use made from pleasantly soft, sustainable cotton without motif for cold days; reinforced, high-quality, plain, with ribbed and suitable for shoes such as dress shoes, low shoes and ankle boots; thick knitted knee socks not transparent, transparent, knee socks patterned by FALKE cover the foot, calf and go up to the knee Men's opaque and elastic knee socks for work, business, suit as well as for leisure; winter knee socks do not press through flat seam on the toes; ideal knee socks for autumn and winter as well as as a gift for Christmas, Easter or birthday; knee socks for men, boys and teenagers To ensure that the fit and colour are retained after repeated washing, we recommend washing the item at 40 °C on a gentle cycle Special knitting processes, with gender-specific proportions of the toe as well as the footbed, ensure wrinkle-free, non-slip fit, protection against pressure points and a long service life Model number: 15683; sizes: 39 40, 41 42, 43 44, 45 46, 47 48; This product has been tested for harmful substances and certified according to Standard 100 by Oeko-Tex 96.0.9647 Hohenstein HTTI; this is a resource-saving WE CARE item with a focus on the environment. social responsibility The family business Falke, founded in 1895, stands on a firm foundation of values: unconditional quality, highest craftsmanship and modern, innovative items for every generation